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Make My Month!


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I know this is probally off-topic, but i have been trying to get lent meowy forever!!!

If there is anyone out there whom would lend it to me it would be greatly appreciated!

I would love the have the av for halloween <3!

If i had all the collat. that tdn is asking for i would just buy it...

but i do have some collat. i am also a very honest individual just looking to get it lent to me

If so send me a message on here or np's Moto_Peace_214

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I got lent meowclops on the boards. I would suggest playing lots of games and trying to get more collateral and maybe ask for it on the boards. Also it may help to get your avatar count up a little. People get scared lending expensive things to strangers. Also if you stick around here for awhile and be an active member you could possibly be lent it for cheaper. I personally don't have it to help out but good luck finding it.

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I got lent through the lending program here for FULL collat (before TDN had their own Meowy)


But as mentioned, try earning more avatars to increase your count and keep earning neopoints so you can get lent cheaper through the program here if you stick around :D


The avatar boards on neopets usually want FULL collat so it's recommended to do the program here once you're more of a known member.


Restocking actually helps a LOT too for earning neopoints =D

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