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Everybody has plenty of days that seem to just never go right. Well, forget about that! Who here has had some streaks of GOOD luck? Finding a ridiculously good deal on the shop wizard, finding something very worthwhile on a random event, etc?


I just had a spot of my own. After depositing all my NP into the bank, I went to the Money Tree for the heck of it. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be 5 NP.


So, I took the 5 NP and went to the Scorchy Slots, where I instantly won 30 NP with a hold, that came up twice. After playing the slots for about 2 minutes, I had 300 NP. I decided to stop, as I needed an excuse to get off the site and go to bed, I went to the Jub Jub Blackjack table and bet my 300. Sure enough, I wound up with 600. "Okay, time to end this", I thought, and went for a scratchcard. Race to Riches, and, low and behold, I won 10,000. I decided that was more than a good enough place to stop, and put it into the bank. I just found the fact that I went from 5 np to 10,000 NP in about 10 minutes, all while trying to get rid of the cash! :laughingsmiley:



I want to hear some of your stories!


Well, a few weeks ago I had a very good lucky streak. I started winning 10K on the Fruit Machine (multiple times), I won over 50K on Buried Treasure (over the course of that week), I won a Silver Brightvale Job Coupon (TP prices were 400K then), and I found several pieces of the lab map 'on the floor', including the most expensive piece which cost over 200K at that time. :)


I found a more expensive lap map piece on the floor and my cybunny was zapped a baby on a random event... That was more than enough good luck for me. ^_^ Now, if only my silly kacheek will return to being a kacheek from a kyrii...


About a week ago, i had a winning streak in Qasalan Expellibox, i got 1000NP, 2000NP and 150 NC in three days :O

about a year ago, i had a random event in Faerieland and i got an Orange Paint Brush, and sold it for 800k NP :D

I also found a Tyrannian Bearog for 10k NP in the shop wizard, and sold it for about 60k!

These were my luckiest days on neopets :D


well i this was good luck on my part

but when buying my last lab piece i cancelled the lot right as the user accepted the offer

the np's were never taken out of my account and i still got the map piece!

the user never contacted me telling me anything sooo i guess there was no problem :)


Whoah! Nice streaks :D


I think the luckiest week was when I won 20k and a strawberry pb from the slots, and then i found a green brightvale coupon in the money tree right after!


bought a ldpb for 300np off the shop wizard


bought a purple petpet pb for 1np off the shop wizard


bought a mistery island petpet pb for 3000np


bought a strawberry fields forever pb for 60,000np sold


bought a checkered pb for 40,000np


{coughs up np like crazy}


im serious lol XD not all on the same day but thats just this year!


Yesterday, I won a Bag of Peanuts from the Wishing Well. I spent 50 np on my wish. I already have the avatar, so I sold it for 318k. I suppose I could have gotten the avatar on my side, but neopoints sounded more appealing.


Then, just before going to bed, I snagged a Silver Brightvale Job Coupon from the Money Tree! I sold it for 500k, which was a bit below TP price, but I wanted it to sell quickly.


So, all in all, I made 818k np for no effort! I would call that pretty awesome!


Note: I don't usually have this kind of awesome luck. The Wishing Well has always been kind to me, though, as long as I ask for the things that it typically gives out.

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