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i got myself a Rotten Egg Stink Bomb for 50k on the shop wizard, its one of thoughs "new" tyrannian weapons i never got a chance to actually get my hands on till now. a very rare find indeed.




updated i paid 50k for it, turns out theres several rangeing from 180k to 250k pure


---- yet another edit ----


o.o its a bomb type, meaning you use it once and you get a large effect. granted my neopet it weak in all stats but i pulled 10 icons from it. not exactly impressive as i have a consistant 9 iconer but yea screen shots if the battlepedia would like em.


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Nice. Can you please PM me the screenies as soon as you can?


Also, do you know if it is once-per-battle, or multiple use?


I'll try and see if I can get one myself for more in-depth testing.


Thanks for being this helpful, your help is greatly needed!


P.S: Next time you find something like this, do you mind sending in a ticket by our contact us form on the BP? Chances are that either HBK or me (probably HBK, I don't really deal with tickets that much, I only read them) will get to it quicker that way. :)




The weapon has now been added to the database. Weapon page is here.


I guess a mod can close this thread now.


Thanks again for your help!

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