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Darigan Dodgeball ends after 5.04 secons..


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Yes, sometimes it ends at about 5 seconds, sometimes at 15 seconds. Either way, it ends for me. I thought it was just me. :P

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Darigan Dodgeball's never done that for me, but I have a real problem with Ice Cream machine doing that. I can have 6 lives and the thing just ends the game. It's really aggravating; I've almost had the avatar twice now when it did that to me.

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I have support for the lag theory - I went around to my friend's who has a REALLY slow connection and I lasted something like 2seconds, I didn't know that was possible? And also, on taking out the ad's (woah! it looks so much better now! lol) it doesn't seem to end early when I'm at home :P

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