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Seeking Chocolate Gnorbu for Christmas.


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I'm guilty of falling for another beautiful pet I would like to give a permanent home to. For some reason, tonight, I was looking at some art and I just fell for the way Gnorbu's are portrayed by artists. Since my hubby finally got his Chocolate pet this month for his birthday... I was thinking I try spoiling myself and finding a well-named Chocolate Gnorbu for myself this coming Christmas.


So, I'm coming to the community. Anyone know of any Choco Gnorbu's that are up for adoption? I'm willing to make an little application for one, if required.


Thank you in advance, and feel free to swing me a Neomail if you have any information! :3



I want to go home with, Tamtam! ♥

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goodluck finding one ^^ I wish there was a chocolate brush :O lol


I know, right? That would make this 10x easier.


I've been trying for 2 days so far, and nothing. Someone even told me on the boards that people wouldn't trade my aged Lupes for a Chocol Gnorbu. :(


*is very sad*

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Thanks guys. My hopes gotta pretty crushed on the forums today. Someone told me that people don't usually adopt out Chocoate Gnorbus and that they are trading for Plushie and Pirate pets.


So, I'm really sad... I probably won't be getting my Chocolate Gnorbu for Christmas. I might just adopt and/or create a VWN and self-paint it Cloud.

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Thanks guys. My hopes gotta pretty crushed on the forums today. Someone told me that people don't usually adopt out Chocoate Gnorbus and that they are trading for Plushie and Pirate pets.


So, I'm really sad... I probably won't be getting my Chocolate Gnorbu for Christmas. I might just adopt and/or create a VWN and self-paint it Cloud.

You can always use the lab ray! you might get lucky! ;D

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Yeah, I haven't seen one those...ever! They are cute though :)


If I get one from one of my 3 lab maps, I'll be sure to let you know! :D


On a side note: would anyone like to adopt an island quiggle?

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