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I'm just not that attached to her any more; she was my first Draik, and I've had her forever, but whenever I try to think up a personality or design I come up short.





She has a very nice name, she's aged, she has some good stats(mostly lab-induced from before she was a Draik), and her petpet/petpetpet will come with her(I would appreciate it if this were reciprocated, but a petpet/petpetpet or lack thereof won't influence my decision). As for what I'm looking for... well, try me. I only have a one condition that I absolutely will not waver on: s/he must be well-named(one word and pronounceable, or a real word, preferably a common one). I like painted, especially Desert with clothes, but seeing as she's a basic color I'm not listing that as a condition. XD Other Draiks or Krawks are pretty safe bets with me, but I'll look at anything if the name is good enough.


I would especially like to know what you plan on doing with her. I'm not going to ask for an application, since this is a trade and not a "giveaway," but a short blurb just to satisfy my curiosity would be nice. :3 She deserves to be with someone who will do cool things with her, rather than just sitting on a side account collecting dust.


New owner found! ^^


Wow, good luck with finding someone to take care of your Draik (and sorting through all the people who are interested). :)

Wow, good luck with finding someone to take care of your Draik (and sorting through all the people who are interested). :)


Thank you! :D I wanted to give you guys a chance before I took her to the Neoboards; I'm still pretty new here, but everyone is super nice, so. ^^


As much as I would love a Draik, I have no pet with a good name but Gavric...but he's a lutari xD


Good luck finding her a great home ^^ and be careful of ALL the offers lolz.


D: ah i would love her! but i have nothing you'd want, or room on my main for her T_T




She is absolutely gorgeous. I have a Draik personality/design ironed out, and it's my goal to someday have a Draik. *points to avatar & siggy*


I really wish you the best of luck. Unfortunately, I don't have anything that might even come close to the worth of a Draik... but I really hope you find her a home you won't be disappointed with!


my main goal lately has been to save up for a baby draik. I however really don't have anything that would come close to it or any with good names. I guess if you really wanted to look you could look at my side starjumper513. Good luck finding a new owner though.


Unfortunately, none of my pets really meet your expectations. (I actively like underscores, so long as they separate two words.) However, I would consider the possibility of doing a Desert custom for you, if you're interested. (Not a Draik though. If I could afford a Draik, I wouldn't be here asking for yours!)


As for plans, I would probably paint Khaeos either Shadow or Starry. I usually envision Draiks as being wizards or alchemists, so clothing and background choices would reflect this. Same thing with Battledome: she would have all Faerie abilities (eventually) and use potions and scrolls.


Good luck finding a great owner for her.


Maybe you could look more into Masaryk's offer, she seems like a good owner and has GREAT plans for your Draik. AND from personal experience, she's a FANTASTIC Person/NeoPerson XD


Good Luck once more :)


I actually received a lovely offer earlier today, so at this point she's spoken for. ^^; Thank you, though! It really was a tough choice; I had a whole lot of offers and most of them were really nice, so. I'm happy with what I picked, in any case.


WOW! So sad I missed it, she really was lovely, good name too! :) congrats on finding an owner


Congratulations on finding a nice owner for her. ^_^


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