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Er, what the heck was that?

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Ok, so right now we're having this big storm like a mile or two off fromwhere I live and it reminded me of this this one time when me and my mom were driving through a microburst. I was looking out the window and I saw this weird lightning bolt where two hit really close to eachother and up at the top of them near the clouds a third really tiny bolt was inbetween them. Has anyone else seen that or some other weird lighting/rain thing?


Ive totally seen that. Or when the lightning bolt is like literally horizontal and stretch across the whole sky (in dark purple clouds) with many 'branches' to it.


So awesome!! (a bit scary) but AWESOME! :P I love thunder storms! :D hehe


aside: ever wonder why they're called thunder storms? why not lightning storms!?


Yeah :D I was searching for that article, when i found this one instead XD:




Scary o_O Never bringing my ipod out on a stormy day XD


Actually, if you're struck by lightning, it's probably going to be really bad whether you're wearing an iPod or not. And it's not like something like that is likely to happen at all in the first place. In fact, I doubt you'd ever go jogging when it's thunderstorming.


who jogs in a thunderstorm? lol thats rediculous! ... I'll take my chances and listen to my music in the rain still (the umbrella is prob. more likely to attract lightning than my ipod - and Im not going to stand in the rain anytime soon )


I love thunderstorms, especially when it turns your power off and you just sit in the silence and listen to the storm. You can't really do that unless everything in your house is off. I love watching the thunder.

I also love my iPod, but I'd never wear it while jogging. I bet the man tried to sue apple


lol, no thanks i would def. not want to go joggin in a thunderstorm! I like to look out the window and watch (When its pouring) or sit in my backyard and watch the lightnight light up the sky :) Im a big fan..


I love t-storms! I actually just love rain in general, and I miss it from when I lived in the Northwest... now I'm in sunny San Diego (bah humbug, mister sunshine!).


And thunderstorm days would suggest a trip to the gym instead of a jog outside, I would rather think... Although I work in a gym and we get fewer customers when it rains lol. Lazy people! :D


We've gotten a few good storms this summer, but nothing like last summer, It was insane, Ive never seen so many thunderstorms in such a short period of time!!! (ironically we got more rain fall this yr. lol)

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