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Spare a vote for Sepheya? Preview of my next entry!

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Howdy! I've been working everyday and night on advertising. I took Izzy's advice, and its been working like a charm. The PC boards seems to be bringing in the most votes. I've gotten about 20~40 votes a day or so. I wish I could have been keeping track.


Anyways, please help me place this week by voting for Sepheya! Also, below is a preview of my next entrant.


Meet Adameena, the baby Cybunny. I got her a couple of days ago, after being chosen as her new owner. :3




Ah! I think the cybunny one is probably your best so far =D


I love the pillow! The shading's rather realistic :) I can never make it look right so extra points for you! Me no see shiny, but I do see the overall feel as being softer; which matches the baby cybunny image, nice! I think the pillow stole the show for me though XD. It was the first thing I noticed ^^;;. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing for you though ^^.


Call me silly, but I can't seem to make out what the dark pink sash like thingum is on her ear... @_@


Good luck for this week's BC and hope you still have the stamina to go all out for the next!


Oh wow I LOVE the cybunny!! Its sooo good!! Ps. I really like the name it reminds me of the dragon from Eragon... :P


Could you link the cybunny? I went to vote and ended up voting for the first one again :P

Could you link the cybunny? I went to vote and ended up voting for the first one again :P


Ah, she'll be in the contest in the next couple of weeks. Probably not this week, as I need a break from advertising - but most likely next Friday she will be entered. :3 I had it linked to her pet lookup. Hehe.


I voted for your eyrie. And I'll vote for your cybunny when she enters. They're both BEAUTIFUL! What program do you use for drawing them?


Your vote has been cast for Sepheya.


Wow, great job! I love both drawings, but the Baby Cybunny is the best one I've seen you do. ;)

I voted for your eyrie. And I'll vote for your cybunny when she enters. They're both BEAUTIFUL! What program do you use for drawing them?


Thank you everyone! All the votes are all appreciated.


I use openCanvas to sketch my drawings, and then I use Photoshop 7 to ink and color them. Takes me about 3~5 hours from start to finish on each drawing. :3


Thank you so much! Considering how much praise Meena is getting, I think she is going to place very well when I enter her next week. :D I'll definitely let you guys know when she's up and ready for voting!




I saw you got 1st OVERALL with Sepheya. Congratulations! :D I guess that advertising sure paid off. :P

*is voting for your entries all the way* ;)


@ Stephie: you can vote for a pet in the BC once per round, in every Neopet category (e.g. you are only allowed to vote for one eyrie once during a BC round, the same goes for the other Neopet categories etc.)

Did I confuse you? I confused myself while typing this. xD



I saw you got 1st OVERALL with Sepheya. Congratulations! :D I guess that advertising sure paid off. :P

*is voting for your entries all the way* ;)





GOLD-BANNED. Overall 1st place and Eyrie 1st place. I'm SO HAPPY!!! :D


oppsies, pretty sure I voted more than once, i wonder if they all counted? lol


and CONGRATS! :D yaaaaay. Im so happy you won.


PS. I really really like your user lookup, you created it yourself? have you entered it in the lookup contest?




It's amazing that you won overall, as well.


Glad you won! ^_^

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