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Has anyone had any luck in the pound lately?

I'm posting this because right now i was just surfing through it casually looking for a cybunny ahaha and i saw SO many painted pets ... like purple tyrannian snow mutant :S and even more

and i saw alot of LE pets too ! chombys, a poogle, a kiko and a koi :S


i have never seen so many LE & painted in the time span of like 20 minutes :S


Interesting! Maybe somebody was quitting and pounded all of their pets? I haven't seen hardly any good pets at all lately!


yoyo_yong? lol i saw it too ! ;) but no reallly there's not many right now but i swear in that like half an hour there was a ton of them !


i just adopted a chomby :) what should i paint itt? any suggestions?


Oh, pound_release must be spitting out painted pets from when the pound was down. Took it long enough.


:OOO I JUST SAW A GHOST GNORBU. it doesn't have the best name though aw :<

AND NOW A MUTANT BLUMAROO. this is so exciting.


Congrats on getting a chomby! Such a nice name too! I like the color brown, desert, white or rainbow, but that's just me~


Yeah. TNT is finally putting more pretty pets into the world that were previously

being tortured in the evil caves of TNT as we all know is what's really happening.

being taken care of by caring TNT members.


Wow I wish my interenet would stop flaking out, I'd love to adopt some really cute painted pets :( a chomby would be superb. so cute


Hmmm. Maybe I should go pound surfing on my side account...


I've been so preoccupied advertising Sepheya. :T


If anyone sees a WN Korbat - let me know! I want one.


hmm, i might do some pound surfing and see what comes up xD;


Oh my goodness Im so sad I missed him, I really wanted to replace my old kiko (who's now a halloween gelert)


aww xD if i had known that i would of grabbed him on my spare account and traded it over :(


I was lucky enough to pick up a lovely Biscuit ruki on my spare with a cute name ^^ messege_of_love xD


I think it's because of the renewed interest in avatars with the release of Bonju. I know I pounded a pet because after getting the Bonju I decided to go after a couple of other avatars that required me to abandon my 'spare' pet!


Although, now after getting the Mutant JubJub avvie I'm stuck with a mutant Tuskaninny that i'm going to pound very soon! (He's UGLY!)




I got an Orange Koi from the pound today. Pretty happy with it even though it's not a spectacular colour!

Congrats on getting a chomby! Such a nice name too! I like the color brown, desert, white or rainbow, but that's just me~


Thank you ! :) I know ! I'm usually not one to adopt pets but I used to have a chomby on my first account when I was younger & it had such a nice name so I was tempted and couldn't resist lol


Did anyone else get a chance to get any cool pets?




if anyone ever happens to see a cybunny on there with a nice name, can you snag it for me? lol it's like my dream pet :$ that would be soo nicee! orr if anyone knows of any up for adoption, can you let me know? please and thank you!


Two nights ago, it seemed like there was a painted pet almost everytime I refreshed. I got picky and passed up amazing pets, thinking I could always go back later..


I did some pound surfing this morning for ten minutes and nothing. I finally grabbed a Koi and left.


I wonder if it's just better at certain times of the day.


Well, my friend was pounding some limited edition/painted pets just a week ago. He was leaving neo. But he only pounded 3 I think.


hnggggg. I just missed a nicely named snow pteri.

and a nicely named darigan mynci

and a sketch peophin...

and a nicely named custard kau...


seems like the pound has a lot of nice pets atm.


edit: also lol @ all the gnorbus named llama and Grarrls named T-REX.


Lol, this board inspired my to go look at the pound, and I accidentally adopted a Christmas Lupe. :P

I wonder if it's just better at certain times of the day.

I really think it is ! because I was on earlier today and there was some decent pets .. and I'm looking now and there's mostly only Grundos :( lol


also lol @ all the gnorbus named llama and Grarrls named T-REX.

HAHAHA i noticed that tooo! so funnny :P

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