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Spellbook finder

Alexis B.

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i've tried it but still don't understand. i got the #'s 18,12. now what?


If I remember correctly, you have to enter like six sets of numbers (x,y) coordinates. Are you using the guide on TDN? That would help you. Good Luck!

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How to find your correct spell book room coordinate.


Step 1: Find your Sleeper coordinates.


Example: Mine are -

•-312, -238

•-272, -268

•-232, -298

•-192, -298

•-152, -268

•-112, -238


Step 2: Find the sum of the x coordinates, then the sum of the y coordinates.



-312-272-232-192-152-112 = -1272 and

-238-268-298-298-268-238 = -1608

(I subtracted because they are negative numbers.)


Step 3: Find the sum of the digits of the new numbers; disregard whether or not the numbers are negative.



New x-coordinate: Take -1272; 1 + 2 + 7 + 2 = 12

New y-coordinate: Take -1608; 1 + 6 + 0 + 8 = 15

Spellbook coordinate: 12,15



That is how you can find your Spell Book coordinates, in the chance that the book finder you used was incorrect.

TDN Spell Book Finder: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-plo...ellbook-finder/

Jellyneo Constellation Finder (select Sleeper): http://www.jellyneo.net/content/plot/index...ellation_finder

Neolodge Spell Book Finder: http://hacks.atrus.org/neopets/findConstellations.fcgi

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