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Midterms Elections


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What's the third party?I thought Americans only had two?


Actually I think the two independents (Liebermann & name escape me) were democrats, but supported the Iraq War. (And thus split off from the party). However they still caucus with the democrats which equals a bad thing for the GOP.


It's like an Empirey thing,but they have the House Of Lords or something,which incluudes a Prime Minister.

I've never actually figured out their government's relations to itself, powers and whatnot. Only that the Queen is a figurehead, the have different houses of parliament and England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland make up the UK. :*

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I agree on the average age thing. But are ConfuciousNZ and I the only two minors (anyone under 18) who have posted in this topic?


I'm fifteen, but then again I haven't really been that active in this topic (only two posts).


I'd say people who are too young shouldn't be allowed to vote because they don't really know as much as adults do and are more "easy" to convince into one party (if you get what I mean).


I think it also has to do with experience. An older person has seen what has and has not worked in the past, while everything is new to a younger person.


And back to my last post, which Chipmonker effectively shot down: that was only sarcasm.


I really shouldn't use sarcasm on the internet anymore. This isn't the first time I've been misinterpreted.

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o_O Huh? You were being sarcastic? I totally missed that.


Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to shut you down. I really get into this. /me gives kikaown a cookie




(And then a swift punch to the kidneys)


Edit: Why isn't BBCode working?


Edit #2: Whoah, you're a guy x_x . /me takes back the cookie (and then removes himself OCD swearing)


Edit #3: Heck with it, with all these edits, i'll just talk to myself for the next five minutes by editing.


Edit #5: I literally must edit every thing I post. Atleast twice. Three times is better.


Edit #6: Since when does 5 come after 3? I should really get to bad. Last Edit. I promise.


Edit #7 (by Mikey): Do another edit/spam again and you will be officially warned. Please read our rules!

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