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Laura's little bit o' art

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Kay, so for those of you who remember, I went down to Oklahoma for a week. I took a class at an art camp there. It was on like, photo-maniping crap.


Fun stuff.


So I thought I'd show you all for giggles, sheer enjoyment, or actual criticism if you wish to.


Remember, though, I was there only for a week, and this was my first time using Photoshop that extensively, so some of them aren't what I wish they were.



Bring It


Forest Light

In The Park

Wish You Were Here

Time Flies

The Real Color Of Pencils

See All

The Underwater Patchwork

Our Dirty City

My Cracked universe

Mountain Topped

Math Party

Lit Up

Leave the Light On




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I love all types of art, but photography isn't something I've really looked into yet. So I can't be critical at all. Poor you. :P

I can say all those photos are supah cool, and I'd love to take a class like the one you did.


I'm also getting a deviant, but leaving off the actual account making till later, I dunno.

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Ive used photoshop many times before, and the more time you put in the better you get! I took classes on it, but alot of it is just figuring it out yourself and using your imagination. So you can prob. get a copy of it and continue to work on your work! :)


The ones I like out of here are 'wish you were here', 'in the park' and 'our dirty city'.

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Oh how I love photoshop! I could hang out there all day and just doodle! Or I would if I weren't distracted by Neopets... For photoshop class work, this is pretty good! :D Especially "In The Park," which is my favorite. Your color work in that one is beautiful, and the base shot itself is really nice as well.


If art is something you want to get into seriously, like if you want to make it your hobby or even work in the art business, I would suggest that you take a few fine art classes, such as drawing basics or design. Based on what you've got here, I can see that you've got the "eye" for art, but to channel it you need guidance. Even some artists who seem to have "natural talent" can benefit immensely from a basic drawing class.


If you can understand the basics in form, light, shape, value, perspective, and color theory, your artwork will improve to the point where you could probably sell your work or use it for projects. :woot:


For instance, you can look at my deviantart gallery and see the difference between my older work and my newer work. My older drawings, especially this pirate, tend to be disproportional. But my newer drawings, such as this still life, are much better because I've done these after working in a fine arts class.


From what I've seen of your gallery, I think you'd benefit from these tutorials on DA:

For Macro Photography

Perspective and Composition

Photoshop coloring style one

Photoshop coloring style two

Pose references

Landscape Photography

Photo editing in photoshop

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Stephie: I'm working on getting a copy. I just have to "persuade" my dad first.


Mumbling: Yep, Every Wednesday I have a club where I get to use photoshop for an hour starting next week. :D It's gonna be a blast.


Chelsea" W. O. A. H. Thanks! :D I like In the Park too, but Dirty City is my baby, so it's my favorite. I always would love to get into art seriously, but i know i have a better chance as a pharmacist. Or at least, you know, to get my start. Maybe once I'm paid off, I can start working towards an art career. I glanced through your gallery and Holy words I can't say here, you are good. :) I just wish I had to drive to get to that point, but honestly, I don't.


And thanks for the guides, I'll look through them. :yes:

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you can prob download a demo version for now though right? My highschool had it, so I was able to use it there, and now my University has it and I can use it there !! :P (also my dad got me a copy :))

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Some schools have cheap copies of PS for students. My college sells it for $30, so try asking your scholl about it. The regular CS4 is $999, but the student ed is $199. (Holy smokes what a discount, eh?)

Adobe Student Webbie: http://www.adobe.com/education/students/


I don't know what level of school you're in, but I think high school seniors and college students are eligible for it. :D Hope that helps!

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Wow, I really like a lot of those pictures. I'd list the ones I thought were really cool, but then I'd basically be typing up the titles of everything up there.


One that I really like that wasn't mentioned by anyone above was Lit Up. I think it's really spiffeh.

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The lackadaisy one was interesting yes :D It'd have been better if you'd removed the bg of the daisy picture used so that only the daisy itself covers the iris. ;) 'See all' was better in the sense that the blending looked smoother but I can't really pinpoint the red image in the middle @_@.


I assumed you played with filters for 'forest light'? Or did you superpose 2 images together? ^^;; I do like the colours though! As for 'In the park', the overall effect is a little too harsh on the eyes but kudos to the effort! Better than my first filter play haha!


For 'time flies', the concpets interesting :D However to make the blend smoother, you might want to try feathering the edges for a quick method of making the clock to look like it is a part of the balloon. :D


Ohoh! I did a similar work to your 'our dirty city'. I agree it looks interesting =D Love the overall grungy feel!


'Mountain topped' is really pretty! I assumed you superposed several images together? If so this was one of the more coherent pieces so good job! 'Lit up' looked just as good too ;) although I think it'd have been better in higher contrast. ^^


Overall, a wonderful job for someone who does not have much experience with pshop. ^^ They were much better than when I went for photoshop course XD.


Keep playing with art!

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Will: You have to be different, don't you? :P Thanks


Caliama: Thanks! :) It reminds you of one of your friends? Haha, that's cool.


Celticheavens: I tried that with Lackadaisy; it just looked weird.


What do you mean "pinpoint?" Maybe I'm just having a slow day, but I don't exactly understand what you meant.


Um Forest light? *goes back to check* No, no filters were used there. And I don't really know about superposing. Maybe that's what it was.


For In the Park; I know @_@ I wish I would've had better pictures to work with that weren't so harsh, but internet was forbidden and we had to work with what they gave us.


Time Flies was the... second? picture I did, so that's why the transition wasn't too great. But I was proud of my stupid play on words. XD


Ooh! You did something similar to Our Dirty City? I'd love to see it, if you don't mind?


Mountain topped was only two pictures, and again, I don't know about that "superposing" thing.


Higher contrast for Lit Up? I'll try that. :D


Overall, thank you everyone for ALL for your comments and criticism! You are all so great. :D

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... You DO know that I joined dA to annoy you, right?


I can't pick favourites, but like Will, I think that the Lit Up one looks cool ;3 They're all so good though~

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some schools have cheap copies of PS for students. My college sells it for $30, so try asking your scholl about it. The regular CS4 is $999, but the student ed is $199. (Holy smokes what a discount, eh?)

Adobe Student Webbie: http://www.adobe.com/education/students/


I don't know what level of school you're in, but I think high school seniors and college students are eligible for it. :D Hope that helps!


I'm doing some work with Adobe - thought I could help clear this up.


Here are the guidelines from the Student Editions FAQ for Creative Suite 4 (from http://studenteditions.adobe.com):

Only full- or part-time students enrolled at a higher-education establishment, defined as an accredited public or private university or a college that grants degrees requiring not less than the equivalent of two year of study, or students enrolled at an accredited public or private school providing full-time instruction are eligible.


If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can pick up the Creative Suite 4 Student Editions for up to 80% off. Hope that helps - if you have any questions, let me know!

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