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Pokemon HG/SS


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Ever since I heard that they were finally remaking pokemon gold and silver, I just went overhyperexcited 8D


Pokemon G/S are in my opinion the BEST ones out of the series and it's been about 10 years since that game been out I think!


With the Johto region coming back, my favorite starters are even coming back :D Heart Gold and Soul Silver will be AMAZING!!!


So anyways, anyone else over excited as I am? xD


My Starter: Chikorita fer sure! Memories with that lil grass type!

HG or SS?: Shoot, I'm getting BOTH xD SS I'll probably play more

Lvl 1 Legend: Dialga probably! If I ever get Arceus though...

Lugia or Ho-oh?: I love Lugia

Fav Legendary Dog: Suicune

Pokemon to follow me: Chikorita until I get an Eevee

Future Rival's Name: ??? (yep, named him that too back then xD)

Favorite Elite Four: Lance the Dragon Master =o

Red: I'll beat him again >=)


If you HAVEN'T played the original games, THIS is the pokemon game to buy for DS.


I'm sorry...I'm just SOOO excited for this to come to the U.S. around Spring 2010 and I'm just hyperrrr xD


I'm still a pokemon fan by heart since I was 7 and forever will be ^^


Mainly fan of the games though, I quit the anime, TCG, and anything else that isn't just the games.


Any thoughts or anyone want to tell me how crazy I am? xD

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omaigaaawwwddd, nowaaiii. Now this might make me finally step inside that GameStop and buy myself a DS. D: <

I love the pokemons in Gold/Silver and now theres color!!!111!!oneone!! 8DDDD

But omaigawd, a pokemon follows you now?! /DIES.

I've been wanting to play Gold/Silver but my SP died and my charger poofed. DX


Okai, I might not be as excited and hyper as you because my eyes are starting to get tired after staring at my laptop. D'x BUT IF MY EYES WERE BETTER AND IF I COULD ACTUALLY SLEEP AT NIGHT, I'd be as excited as you are. : DDD

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omaigaaawwwddd, nowaaiii. Now this might make me finally step inside that GameStop and buy myself a DS. D: <

I love the pokemons in Gold/Silver and now theres color!!!111!!oneone!! 8DDDD

But omaigawd, a pokemon follows you now?! /DIES.

I've been wanting to play Gold/Silver but my SP died and my charger poofed. DX


Okai, I might not be as excited and hyper as you because my eyes are starting to get tired after staring at my laptop. D'x BUT IF MY EYES WERE BETTER AND IF I COULD ACTUALLY SLEEP AT NIGHT, I'd be as excited as you are. : DDD


Yes, ANY of the 493 pokemon can follow you around ^^

Plus the old g/s were the only games that you can travel to two regions instead of one so it gives the game more meaning I think ^_^

Pokemon fans WHOOOOOOT b)



Here's the trailer shown in Japan

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When I first heard the news my recation was like, "HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF PIKACHU! :O THEY'RE MAKING NEW VERSIONS OF GOLD AND SILVER!!! :O"


I'm at least gonna have to get one, if not both of them when they come out here, but new Pokemon DS games are so expensive here D:

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I'm sooo gonna love this! My very first console game was Gold and later on I get Silver so that both me and my brother could play! I'm a complete fan of the silver game so I guess I'll get Soulsilver. Oh and I'll get cyndaquil as a starter. I love that little guy so much! :D


I hope that the pokemon following you think will be as awesome as I think it will. I'm really looking forward to the release! :D

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Fans have been begging for this since FRLG came out. And it seems to be living up to expectations, everything Serebii has reported seems to either be something we've wanted (touch screen PokeGear menus, following Pokemon, including Kanto) or something that's just cool (Portable Apricorns!). The graphics, from what's been seen from the screenshots and ads, look amazing, on par with Pt in the very least.


I'm preordering both versions. I wnat that Arceus figure. ^_^


Pokemon.com has a translated trailer on the site. It's not going to be the one aired on TV, as there's still Japanese text in it, but it's crystal clear.


Also, they're not gonna remake Yellow or Crystal. It's just not gonna happen.

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Fans have been begging for this since FRLG came out. And it seems to be living up to expectations, everything Serebii has reported seems to either be something we've wanted (touch screen PokeGear menus, following Pokemon, including Kanto) or something that's just cool (Portable Apricorns!). The graphics, from what's been seen from the screenshots and ads, look amazing, on par with Pt in the very least.


I'm preordering both versions. I wnat that Arceus figure. ^_^


Pokemon.com has a translated trailer on the site. It's not going to be the one aired on TV, as there's still Japanese text in it, but it's crystal clear.


Also, they're not gonna remake Yellow or Crystal. It's just not gonna happen.


I know it's sad they won't remake yellow or crystal =( Crystal was my fav of the three (it had the girl!)


Still nice to hear that this will probably be the game of month for a long while when it comes out :)


I want Lugia to follow me now xD

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I can't wat, i've been looking for a replacement since I finished Platinum and this is it! =D


I plan on beating the crap out of everyone with a soon to be uber Cyndaquil!


And Eevee, why don't you make a pokemons game thread? I have tons of uber rares to trade as soon as our wifi gets hooked up again. Anyone looking for a shiny Venasaur?

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I can't wat, i've been looking for a replacement since I finished Platinum and this is it! =D


I plan on beating the crap out of everyone with a soon to be uber Cyndaquil!


And Eevee, why don't you make a pokemons game thread? I have tons of uber rares to trade as soon as our wifi gets hooked up again. Anyone looking for a shiny Venasaur?


I haven't thought of that =o that's a SPLENDID idea! :D

Sadly, I haven't played my pokemon games in a long while and the only shinyz I really want are Eeveez (yesh lots of them!), Shuckle, and Pachirisu teehee :headphone:


Plus I get picky on the natures xD

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GS were my favorites. I remember when it came out and it seemed like my prayers were answered when they added two new types. And one was steel at that! Spot on, me, I'd like to thank Magnemite for that little prediction. smile.gif It was also cool how it was the last game where Nidorino was my number one kick-*** pokemon. tongue.gif (and sad.gif at same time)

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