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Yeah, title says it all really! I'm not so great at games, but I'm quite a keen avatar collector, and was wondering which games are the easiest to get the corrosponding avatars on? Like the ones that don't require a really high score or are a massive challenge to get (like the maths nightmare one). Any help would be greatly appreicated :) Thanks


Well it's funny you should ask, because I am on that very same avatar quest right now.

I'm awful at games, but with the help of TDN Guides I was still able to get these avatars:


Games In Order of Ease:


Kass Basher


Gourmet Club Bowls

Magax: Destroyer II

Attack of the Slorgs

Nimmos Pond II

Mutant Graveyard of Doom II


These are about chance not gaming ability, but still technically game avatars:

Tyranu Evau

Deadly Dice

Coconut Shy

All of the Wheel Avatars


To me, these games were pretty easy to get avatars on:


1) Cheat!

2) Kass Basher

3) Cliffhanger

4) Neoquest 2 avatars (the first one really easy to get)

5) Nimmo's Pond was pretty easy too

6) Math's Nightmare (play first of the month and do division on potato counter level! Practice helps too but it's easier on division)


Check out the guides for any avatar games on TDN and I'm sure you'll be getting lots of them ^_^


Hey thanks! Woah, I find Kass basher really difficult... And I've been trying for ages! Just think I've got no luck... I think I have the cheat one so thats a plus :)


EDIT: Just unlocked the final bat in kass basher (took me ages!) and within minutes got the avatar... silly me...


There are some game avatars that can be fairly easily obtained, IF you follow a game guide while playing. Some examples are Dice Escape (easy, but doesn't work in FF), Grand Theft Ummagine (kinda hard, and takes a long time), and Sewage Surfer (also takes a long time, but saves your progress).


Otherwise, I found Sutek's Tomb to be really easy.

There are some game avatars that can be fairly easily obtained, IF you follow a game guide while playing. Some examples are Dice Escape (easy, but doesn't work in FF), Grand Theft Ummagine (kinda hard, and takes a long time), and Sewage Surfer (also takes a long time, but saves your progress).


Otherwise, I found Sutek's Tomb to be really easy.


Sutek's Tomb took me a while to get lolz! I only got it thanks to AAA and his game challenge for that game teehee :headphone:


I would say.


Ace Zafara




Escape Dice (TDN has an awesome walkthrough, took me one try)

Suteks Tomb

Meepit vs Feepit (Hit X Y X Y over and over, slowly to get your special attack, beat two rounds and lose two then win the third on each level)

Mutant Graveyard

Nimmo's Pond

Meepit Run (You can play in zen mode and clear out a meepit 3500 times, takes a long time but it easy)

Evil Eliv Thade (http://anagram.awardspace.com/)


Techo Buzzer (use the cheese code to see your curser)



The other ones that fall under games that are easy are:


Altador Cup


Grarrl Keno

Illusen's Glade

Jhudora's Cloud

Library Faerie

Must... Keep... Smiling...

Pick Your Own

Poogle Racing Winner

Skeith - Snargan

Techo - Cheesy('Tyrannian Dung Cheese' and to keep using the move 'Dive Left')

Tyranu Evavu

-And of course the different wheels.


Nimmos Pond is evil. D: Anybody have any tips? I'm also having trouble with Gourmet Balls, and Attack of the Slorgs.


It's all about the TDN game guides Deepti. And I'm not just saying that cause I'm staff, those guides really do give you everything you need to beat those games. Like on slorgs be sure your using the cheat code that recharges your laser after a failure. I don't remember what the code is, but it's in the guide.


And with Nimmo's Pond, that game is really hard, but you just have to be patient and fire like their's no tomorrow. Essentially, your probably not going to get a high enough score for the avatar until you get lucky on a round where you have at least 2 if not 3 yellow ammo power ups, and only pick up the yellow ammo power ups. Be sure not to pick up health or bomb power ups until you need them. Just let them float around till your low. And above all else DON'T MOVE! Even if the worlds greatest power up is only a centimeter to far away, don't move to get it.


Kass Basher is easy once you only hit at 9 MPH or whatever, and click your mouse each time the thing bounces off of the ground. I think the latter is the secret to unlocking the hardest difficulty also.


I might have just been lucky but I recently got the Sutek's Tomb avatar. I *never* thought I'd get it, but practiced for about two days and there it was.


I like playing a game in zen mode if possible first to get better at it, and NOT send the score if it isn't good enough and if you're very close to getting the avatar. And it goes without saying that game guides and mostly CHEATS are very helpful if not essential, such as "plzsutekcanihavemoretime" for Sutek's Tomb..


I didn't realise there were cheats for faerie bubbles, will try that :D I've gotten kass basher, mutant graveyard II (which I now love) and suteks tomb (which was very lucky to get!). Going after faerie bubble and Nimo's pond now :)


Edit: Got slorgs too :D

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