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Game Score Under Review


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I was playing Darigan Dodgeball on my laptop tonight on battery, so it was running in Power Saver mode (half CPU). As usual, I had a lot of tabs open, and the content of one of them ended up slowing my laptop to a crawl. Consequently, I got a very high score at Darigan Dodgeball (106 seconds = 10,600). Do you think I'll get frozen for cheating? I'm rather worried right now. :worried:

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I think that they will be highly suspicious. That is an enormous score. Although I think that they will be able to tell that you didn't truly cheat with some cracking program.


You probably won't get frozen. I wouldn't be surprised if either you got an email or your score didn't go through (tough luck :().

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I was playing Darigan Dodgeball on my laptop tonight on battery, so it was running in Power Saver mode (half CPU). As usual, I had a lot of tabs open, and the content of one of them ended up slowing my laptop to a crawl. Consequently, I got a very high score at Darigan Dodgeball (106k). Do you think I'll get frozen for cheating? I'm rather worried right now. :worried:


WoW! That is a crazy score!! They need to fix that somehow. I can't get past like 8 seconds. I hope they don't freeze you. Can you write them or something to explain?


*crosses fingers and toes for you*

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The same thing happened to me when i was syncing my ipod while playing. I got 188.988 seconds.

Have they finished reviewing your score yet?


Considering that this game is waaaay easier on slower computers, I think they set the bar too low at 10k for a score review. I've been hearing many reports of people getting ridiculously high scores at this game. By the time they finish processing my score, I doubt it will be anywhere near being on the high score table. I'm sure that there are lots of people playing Neo on an old Pentium II that are getting better scores than me. Still I worry that they will think I was cheating, since my previous high score was around 35.

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I'm sure that you'll be perfectly fine Masaryk, like the Jungle Raiders glitch, I didnt get frozone... You;ll be fine :D


Not to Masaryk and those who've already vote:


Sorry to do this but it's Kitthie last day in this Week's BC and my original topic got knocked down to page two and I can't bump ot back up. So if you would mind clockinh on my siggy to vote for my Kitthie, we would both really appreciate it. Thanks :)

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I'm sure that you'll be perfectly fine Masaryk, like the Jungle Raiders glitch, I didnt get frozone... You;ll be fine :D

Jungle Raiders had a similar glitch? I didn't know that. Thanks for the reassurance!


EDIT: Oh, and I just noticed that in my panic last night, I had mistakenly written down my score with an extra zero on the end. It was only 10,600 not 106,000, so it wasn't enormously high. I wouldn't have been stupid enough to send a score that was that high. It's been fixed now.

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yeah you wont be frozen for it, they really can tell if you are cheating or not and this game is way easier on slower computers as others have said. It kinda sucks for the collecting thing because I thought that they would be worth a ton of money because when I played it on my girlfriend's computer and it took me forever to get a high enough score for the darigan spike ball(way harder to get than the last 2 challenges) but then the other day when I tried it on my 5 year old computer I got the score first try.


you have really no chance of getting frozen in a game where there is such an obvious glitch :) that isn't really a glitch at all...It's just suprizing that they released the game knowing it was like that.(unless neopets is so rich nowadays they don't test their games on older computers:P

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I had something similar happen a couple of days ago; also on the laptop. The Kiko was basically in limbo, and unable to move, but the flying objects didn't kill him either, even though they kept touching him. It was a glitch and didn't let me send my score. I hope this works out for you, but I'm sure they'll be able to tell that you didn't use a program or anything to get this score.

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I just got a high score too. I personally don't think theres anything to worry about. *crosses fingers and hopes she gets a trophy*

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In the future, do not EVER send a score that you did not earn. It doesn't matter how the score was obtained, if you decided to submit it and it is not legitimate then your account will likely be frozen. :(


If you have any other questions, don't forget to include the entire text of this e-mail with your username clearly at the top. This will help me better address your situation.



[email protected]


-----Original Message-----


To: [email protected]

Subject: Other Submission - other: idea - (username tamstari)

Sent: Aug 18 2009 02:00:20


Type: comment





I'm sending this mail because I have a serious concern. I just finished playing Darigan Dodgeball. I have a seven year old Compaq Presario with a Celeron processor. My computer must have freaked out, because I had Photoshop running in the background and my game lagged. It took me a few minutes to be able to shut down the programs, but for some reason Darigan Dodgeball kept running while I was trying to close everything.


Turns out, it sent a score of 12k+ for review, so I'm a bit concerned. I read that this might be a freezable offense, since the score is ridiculous! I wasn't sure what to do besides send an email explaining the situation - since I'm very worried about being frozen for simply having an ancient computer.


What should I do? I would really like to hear a reply... :(






Whew... I got off with a warning, pretty much. Crappy computer. Now I'm scared to win my easy 5k daily. :T

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear.. I just had the same thing happen to me. I was playing while watching a flash player movie, and it think it slowed down my laptop. And I got a score of 23,191. It looks way higher than the current high score of 9,785. I wonder if I'll get a warning, or a trophy? In a way, I earned it fairly as I was just playing normally and didn't realise my score was crazy-high until after I sent it.


Did anyone else get a warning?


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