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Ok, i've been playing this game for years and i've worked rather hard to get where i'm at. i'm wondering what the best way to protect myself from hackers, cookie programs, things of the sort.


for now I just kinda keep to myself, try not to attract alot of attention, but i'd like to offer a lending hand to people that don't have what I have, so at one point people are going to know what I have, plus i'm scared to start galleries cause hackers can see these things.

it's sad, but I play the game with some fear.


So whats the best way to protect myself from hackers??


Well, first and foremost, you don't have to worry about hackers at all. ;) No hacker would demean him/herself by stooping to the level of the witless morons that all too commonly plague Neopets. Please see this topic.


That brings me to the first good practice on the list: always check unknown links before following them. :P You can do this by mousing over them (the destination's URI should appear in your browser's status bar when you do this) or right-clicking them and selecting 'Properties'. Spoofed links are frequently used in phishing scams and all the like, so it pays to be careful.


A number of password-specific practices are documented in TDN's password security article, which I highly recommend going through.


Remember to run up-to-date versions of whatever software you have installed on your computer, especially your firewall, web browser(s), and anti-virus system. Security updates are important.


You should also exercise caution when visiting user edited areas of the Neopets site (petpages, shops, lookups, etc.). TNT has done a decent job of filtering malicious code from these areas, but every now and again somebody finds a loophole, so if you hear reports of embedded CGers or whatnot, it's best to steer clear.


Above all, let common sense and logic be your guides. :yes: Think twice before you act, especially if there's reason to be suspicious. And of course, if you're ever in doubt, feel free to ask!


Dang. AA beat me to the "don't call them hackers part". :P


Always change your password regularly. Although, if you have the most secure password in the world (i.e. all of what is mentioned in the article) then you still need to change it, but not as regularly.


User shops and lookups are two of the most common places where cookie grabber codes can be placed. You probably have heard of the user shop scams that were around about a month or so back, right? Well, if you need to buy stuff like Codestones, but don't want to go to a user shop, you can try the Trading Post or Auction House. This way, you don't have to view any places where the code can be placed, unless, of course, you want to go to the persons lookup to see what you're dealing with.


Also, if you notice any strange things in your account (eg: replies to neomails you never sent, NP on hand going down, etc etc), ALWAYS CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. Then, if you want to protect your account even more, self-freeze it. Then, once you want your account back, you can contact TNT and hopefully they'll help and give your account back, if you provide a lot of information.


And yet another thing, is the classic "Use Firefox" thing. xD Firefox is so much secure than Internet Explorer, and always has recent security updates. As if that wasn't enough, you can customise Fx the way YOU want it, for example I am using the Personas add-on for it, and have an awesome skin. :P


So, hopefully the person above me and I helped, and if you want to know anything else, feel free to ask. :3


thanks alot guys. I use Safari which I kinda like and have firefox, but the code is always weird, pages don't come up the way they should, it's got nothing to do with viruses or anything, i've had the problem for a while now.


but ok, i'll be sure to be safe, I always thought that if a person wanted to get into my account they could and there was very little I could do about it, but it's nice to know that things are safer then I thought :happystrange:


I use Internet Explorer, but firefox is really good.


I think to set your account on lockdown from others, is to get Norton. Norton is a secruity program, possibly the best. If there is ANY thing that doesn't seem right, it will scan the computer itself, or it will give you a notice.

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