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Fortunately, Unfortunately

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Fortunately, the supervillians got distracted by pie. xD


Fortunately, the fire didn't burn any *real* money. The "money" in the fire was actually millions of sham-wows printed to look like money.


Unfortunately imminent poverty has left the Sham-Wow guy to become insane, and he only thinks his idea is good enough for richness as he lies in the asylum.


Fortunately he managed to escape the asylum in 3 days flat with a lot of involvement from a spoon and an oversized cheese grater.


Forunately (unfortunately for the dish), the spoon and the dish suffered a messy break up, and the spoon helped free Sham wow guy with the settlement money and set up a new buiness


Unfortunately the dish was so mad at the spoon from the break up that it threw it into space and the spoon hit a meteor which caused it to fly right at the Sham-Wow guy's new business,rendering him broke again.

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