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You know how when you're on Neo, it very faintly says Neopets at the bottom of your screen? I guess i'm on Neo so much it burn't into my computer and even when i'm not on Neo, I can see it o.o


I might just be insane though, equal chance...


Dunno what an LCD is.


And neither did I. Viacom must be taking over Best buy if their trying to ruin my computer xD


Actually I had a really similar problem with my old laptop. One of the things I had been using one day kinda got "burnt into" my screen. It's not actually there when I take a screenshot, but no matter what sort of window I moved over that "burnt" section of my screen, the burnt stuff would show up. I wondered how the heck that could happen...


Sucks that what got burnt in for you was a Neopets logo though, lol.


I've heard this happen on some TVs, where a TV's station's logo gets burnt into your TV. x_x


LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Pretty much, does your screen look a bit like a LCD TV? :laughingsmiley:

I don't know much about this stuff, lol.


That's really cool, though. xP


Lol! I'm surprised this hasn't happened to me yet! :P


hah that is no good, I always play in a windowed screen and it is moved around whatever i'm doing at the time, watching a movie or playing another game at the same time.


I would recommend that for people who are worries about this happening to them as well.

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