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Hii, I'm new! And I need help >.<

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Hiii, I just joined the forums today after finding TDN a couple of weeks ago. :)


I'm 14 and you can call me Annie. I started playing Neopets when I was about 11 or 12 but I took a looong break and didn't come back until er...the beginning of this month. Once I started again I understood things more than I did when I was younger. Amazing how much reading comprehension can improve in several years. And because of that, I'm pretty much addicted at the moment. xD


I'm mostly a lurker but I'll try my best to post whenever I can. ^^


So the thing I need help on is viewing forum post replies. Is it possible to view them without having to click on each individual reply at the bottom? I want to be able to scroll down and view all the posts in a topic without going to the "Posts in this topic" section. Please tell me if there's some sort of Setting I have to change . Thanks! :D

Edit: Whoops! I looked through the Help section and found the answer. Heheh, sorry.


Ahem...and ahh...sorry to make you read so much. I tend to type too much sometimes. o_O

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Thanks Philagator! :D

I think I got that Bori when their species just came out. They had Ice as a color option while I was creating it so I chose that one.

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy my stay. This seems like a wonderful forum. I posted here even before posting in the NeoBoards. :3

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Hmm...yep that's what I thought. Not to mention that the NeoBoards have some rude people. D: But I'll still need to post there if I want a chance to make Neofriends. My Neofriends section of my sidebar is very depressing "...You must be lonely." Indeed.


I think I was just lucky. I'm not sure if Bori comes in Ice anymore. It was probably just a limited thing. Ooohh, can you use the lab ray? I'll never be able to afford all the map pieces. And I've never had any luck in finding them either. X.x

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Haha, well I've added you as a Neofriend, so it looks like we've solved that problem :). I don't have the Lab Ray, although I won't be needing at my main goal at the moment is a Royal Paint Brush, which I'm very close to achieving.

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Well they were painted over time.. I was in a bit of hiatus myself. Wwell the Glowing Jubjub was easy, although I'm quite sure I had to get it over the TP because Glowing PB's were over 100k back in the day. The Mutant Jubjub was easy because back in the day, Jubjub Mutant Potions were under 100k. The Cloud Jubjub was just painted recently.. without the help of Altador Cup IV Prize Shop XD.

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Niiice. Sounded like quite a bit of work, but it was totally worth it since your pets are very nice. I don't think I'll ever be dedicated enough to buy paintbrushes. And whoops, I'm so clueless >.< I thought it was a Snow Jubjub when it was a Cloud one. Heh. I need to keep in touch with Neopets more. xD

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