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Hi guys, I'm just starting to learn about the world of merchanting in Neopets, and I could use some help. I figure I'd start simple, learning to restock in places like the Bookstore and the Food Store as practice, but it seems like every time they restock they have a hole new batch of items and I have no idea what's worth anything.. Now, I've tried Google for helpful sites but it's clogged full of sites trying to sell their guides and such.. Best case scenario would be a database of what each store can sell, and maybe even some pointers as to what I should buy and what I shouldn't. But any other tips that help me out would be much appreciated as well. Thanks in advance!





Basically, in the Book Shop, anything at exactly 2500, 5000 or 10000 neopoints is worth it. However, make sure you don't fall for anything which has been given out from Key Quest, or Petpet Books from Weltrude's Toy Chest.


I don't know that much about the other shops, but the guides above should help you. :yes:

Thanks, now I just gotta try to recover my old account's birthday. :/


Heh, well gl with that! I just went through the same process, which took me 3 emails to Neopets (plus the wait time in between) AND trying so hard to remember details about the account. But I got it back :D So don't worry!


And about restocking...

TONS of people go to the Food Shop, so it might be harder to get things there. But don't go for items that cost 2500 because those are almost always a loss (in that store). I don't end up buying much from there, but what has proved to work well is buying things that are under 1000 NP and there being usually only 1-3 in stock of the item. Also, BUY NEGGS! The regular brown Neggs might not be worth your time, as the resell value is so close to the price you buy them for, but other neggs (Pink, Green, etc.) are definitely worth it!


Gl with your restocking career! ;) And feel free to neomail me if you have more questions

(My username is quintuple_09)


When I first started restocking from the shops, I started with the Chocolate Factory. This is a good one since it's not too crowded (you usually can get a good buy), and the items are relatively cheap, so you don't need alot of NPs.


With any shop, you need to watch frequently to see what items appear often (they are less rare, which means they are worth less) and which items are "left over" after people seem to be done snatching up items (these items are common and/or priced badly - meaning you can get them for cheaper on the Shop Wiz).


I have found that most items in the Chocolate Factory will offer you at least SOME profit, so practice first there. If you search items on the Shop Wiz that you see in the shop, you will be able to quickly learn what is worth more and what is not. Also, generally if only 1-3 items are stocked of a particular item when the shop is restocked by TNT, then the item is worth a good deal more than it is being sold for.


Hope that helps! I love RS-ing and I'm sure you will too :)

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