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Can You Find The Quiggle, Before It's Too Late?


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I have captured a blue quiggle, and he has chains tied around his legs and arms. Attached to those chains are ghostkerbombs, and they have a timer set on them. In exactly 30 days from now, the bombs will go off, and the quiggle won't be ok... He is also bolted to a wall, with no escape.... But I won't tell you where the Quiggle is... Can you solve my riddle, and rescue the quiggle? I'm sure he'll be very grateful, IF you can rescue him... I will give out clues, and hints. You must find the key, and then find the quiggle. After you find the quiggle AND you have the key to the door, you can go into the room, and save him. The quiggle will only give a reward to the first person who saves him. I will give out prizes to those who figure out the riddle 2nd and 3rd. Tell me your guess privately, but only when you aqquire the key. But beware, you can only guess ONE time. If you fail to find the quiggle, you cannot guess again, and his fate will be decided by the others. I will count down the detonation, and if everyone fails to guess correctly, no rewards shall be given out, and the quiggle is doomed. Here is your first clue, which shall lead to the second, and so on.

This area is filled with fun and laughter, but danger lurks nearby....


Bomb Detonation: August 12th, 3:00 A.M. Neopian Standard Time.

Current Clue: Clue # 1


By the way, the quiggle can occassionly use a communicator, which I left in the room, but it won't always work.... I also blocked out many words, so he cannot give away his location.... Muahahahahahahaha.....


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*crackling sound*

Blue Quiggle:Hey! This thing is working! I'm trapped, bolted to a wall in *blocked*!!! Help!! The first clue is in *blocked*!!! Where Jhudora makes her-

*Blue Quiggle is cut off, and communicator just emits a static sound*

Grrr.... Some things wrong with this thing... I wired it to cut off a lot sooner.....

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