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So I've been playing KQ for a while now, and before with winning gold keys I would get at least 1 really good prize a day (for example, a paint brush, or a map piece). Lately though, I have only been getting the same books and stamps over and over again, and I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? Has the neopets team decided to not give out as many valuable prizes? or do I just need to keep playing up to my 10 times a day to have a better chance?


thanks :)


I think I noticed this happening before AC started. My friends and I were playing because of the prizes. However, we stopped getting PBs or map pieces. Since AC was starting, I focused my attention to that instead of KQ, so I don't know if they changed it or not.


Well I hope that its true. KQ has been deflating items. :c Since I came back to neo, the economy has been all screwed up - especially the PB market.


I get the same as well. Normally just a bunch of junk...stamps, books, plants and other 1 np items.

I get codestones & neggs when I'm lucky.

& today i actually got a camo paintbrush :)

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