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Another newbie :)


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Hi there, I just stumbled upon these forums after using the the "dailies" links on TDN everyday and I thought I'd finally get to know the community a bit better. My neo username is surfer_girl828, I'm an avatar collecter (can you tell by my name?), and I just like to come on in my spare time, even if that isn't very often. :P Thanks for your time.


P.S. I've already read the rules. ;)

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Well welcome to the forums. I also came here for the dailies and eventually after probably like 6 months of using them i came to here. I hope to see you around. If you have any questions ask i am sure someone will answer pretty fast. We are really good about that here.

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Hi, welcome to TDN forums! I'm Lion, or Crazy Shenkuu Fan.


And I found the forums by the main site, which I found through an affiliate.

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