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I was in a poetry mood, you see. It doesn't strike often, but when it does, I sit down and take advantage of it.


And this time it turned... Dr. Seuss-ish. o_O I guess.





We open with the girl

The one misunderstood

The one with thoughts conflicting

Swirling under her hood


There was something in her head

In the way it pounded

It hurt and it ached

She felt so grounded


She needed to fly

Be free like a bird

No one would let her

No one would say the word


That pounding

It told her she needed to get out

That she needed to run

Needed to burn her doubt


She needed to get out of that house

It said again and again

She needed out of this life

Every now and then


Get out, get out

It screamed and shouted

She always agreed

Its words were undoubted


She needed a change

A break from the norm

She needed that freedom

So she ran from her dorm


She was out! She was out!

She was free at last

All that sadness, melancholy

Was a thing of the past


But then she thought to herself

"Is this what I wanted?"


The voice said undaunted


"No, no it isn't"

She shook her head and sighed

“Did I make the right decision?”

As she hung her head and cried


She wanted it back

The warm house and the friends

The girl turned on her heels

To go back for amends


That voice didn’t like it

Not one little bit

The voice wanted its way

It would throw a big fit


But the girl knew what she wanted

She stood resolute

She silenced that voice

She put it on mute


And with renewed vigor

She headed back home

To be with friends and family

From whom she’d never again roam


And now dear readers

As you have seen

The young girl mentioned

And what she had been


Has never been far

From the truth, you see

For that young girl mentioned

Just happens to be me




And if you care to be a kind soul and go view it here, and perhaps drop a comment *coughorafavcough* if you have an account, that'd be lovely. :D



Wow, just wow, I cant write poetry if my life depended on it XD.

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