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King of Hearts

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Everyone loves that whole "Alice in Wonderland," "deck of cards" theme. Amirite? Yes. I'm right. :D




*pokes* HUR


And here's the colored version. AND HUR


[/shameless attempt to get people on her dA]

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It's cool. You did awesome (the best) on two things I'm horrible at: the coloring (great shading), and her hand. I'm horrible with hands, I could never draw it in that position.





(Now I feel the need to finish finding my scanner even more...)

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Very nice drawing. I really like how the hair looks. The shading there is amazing.

The skull and crossbones is totally beast too :P


Just one question. Why is the King of Hearts the Suicide King?

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This is why, Will. ;)


Revenge: GO GO GO! Find that scanner! And thanks. :D


Will: Really? The skull and crossbones? :O That's the part I spent the least amount of time on. XD And the hair-shading just happened because I didn't think to mark the hue, saturation, and lightness when I was coloring.

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This is why, Will. ;)


Revenge: GO GO GO! Find that scanner! And thanks. :D


Will: Really? The skull and crossbones? :O That's the part I spent the least amount of time on. XD And the hair-shading just happened because I didn't think to mark the hue, saturation, and lightness when I was coloring.

Ah, I've been enlightened :P


Haha yeah, the skull and crossbones definitely looks freaking amazing. You just must be a natural at them then :D

And I have no idea what marking the hue, saturation, and lightness means XD

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Will: Will is now "The enlightened one." Everyone bow down to his enlightenment.


They REALLY are that great Will? U:, Okay then.

Hue is the color that you are changing it to, saturation is how much of that color you want (aka how bright r dull it will be), and lightness is how light or dark the area will be. By marking it, I just meant keeping track of the numbers it gave so i could replicate the exact color.

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