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I am seriously about to give up. :( Can anyone help?

Orion x

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I have read through all the other posts about Part 13 and many other people seem to have the same problem. So followed suggestions and still didn't get past this part. The constellation doesn't exist?? I have completed all of the steps leading up to the point of putting the constellation in. I press continue on everything, cleared my cache, tried to redo steps, and even used a different browser.


I did notice when I finally got the necklace I could not click on it to see the constellation. I am not sure what this means, could this be a glitch?

I think i might just give up. : /

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Well, you only get the star data containing the constellation after you successfully click on the necklace to see it. If you can't click on the necklace or you clicked on it but the constellation's showing... well, it would seem like you missed out a step somewhere. #119 seems like a potential culprit. ;)


If you really can't figure out what you missed, it could be a glitch, in which case submitting a bug report to TNT would be the best course of action. :yes:

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