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make some noise BIG glitch

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ok. i have internet explorer for windows and i just got the latest flash player. but whenever i try to play MSN my score never goes up. i tap like a mad man, and it will only go to the second area of tapping. and my score only goes to the 10-30 range. PLZ help i wanna play MSN!!! :crying:







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Hmm... I didn't know there is a glitch. I also have Windows IE. Let me try playing and I'll get back with you.


EDIT: After playing it for a few seconds, I noticed the same thing you were talking about, but when I hit space (end game/send score), I had a 100% tapping rate, a 1250 points and since I didn't do much, no bonus points. I think it still works but the bar keeps going down.

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Well, I know your meter will go down if you tap too slowly or if you aren't accurate enough. It also gets more difficult with time.

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