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altcp_slushiedrinkhat.gifScenes of chaos, pandemonium, and totally random destruction. Lethal projectiles flying through the air, and hapless Neopets desperately diving for cover in every direction. Is this the scene of Sloth's next brutal invasion? A skirmish between the contentious forces of Meridell and the Darigan Citadel perhaps? Well, not exactly.


The place I'm describing to you is Slushie Central, one of the ever-busy slushie stands scattered haphazardly throughout Altador's Colosseum. And today, it's far, far more busy than usual - the upcoming Altador Cup has attracted hundreds, if not thousands, of dedicated fans, all of which are eager to practice their side game skills, slushie slinging included, before the big event. The icing on the cake? It seems a good lot of this year's fans have never slung a single slushie before! And that, as anybody unfortunate enough to be caught in the drink storm can very well see, has created a big, big mess.


Fortunately, the designers of the Colosseum had situations like this well covered in their original plans - a simple, but effective network of gutters and drains carries the offending liquids well away from Altador's symbol of pride before it manages to create a public relations disaster.


So, you might wonder, two hours later, where do all those slushies end up? Well, that's right where I'm standing, in Altador's central water plant, where engineers are working some serious overtime, clearing pipelines and diverting aqueducts, working valves and switching levers, all in a frenzied effort to keep the land's water flowing where it needs to flow. Unfortunately, the plant's chief engineer was unavailable for comment, as he needed time to dry off after a particularly nasty incident involving an overloaded valve. However, I did manage to catch the CEO of the Altador Cup Slushie Sales Consortium earlier. Here's what he had to say on the matter:


"Well, I don't really see what the problem is. Honestly speaking, this is actually saving us (us being Altador) a lot of trouble - we no longer need to keep hiring shady citizens to sabotage the central water plant for anybody who wants to finish the Altador Plot. It's all taken care of. And if a few fans want to get a bit rowdy before the biggest event of the season, well, why not let them? This is a great chance to show off the genuine Altador spirit to all those in Neopia!"


And so it may be, but looking at the faces of the engineers here in the water plant, you might find that a little hard to believe.


This is AA, reporting for The Daily Neopets, signing off.


Yes, yes, I'm sure they did want to know that... :shiftyeyes_anim:



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