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Excitement Grows For The Start!

Guest Krawk Islander

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Guest Krawk Islander

Reporting live from the bustling shores of Altador today (I daren't go nearer the Colosseum!), we start to actually take in the proportion of this magnificent event, like never before. People are waving banners and confetti with all teams' colors is being showered all over the travelers that make their way up the steep incline to their inns.


BlackJaguar, our reporter, managed to be more adventurous than me, and is reporting live from the highest point in the city. We'll go over to him now. BJ, how is the atmosphere there?


sm_caption_712.gif"The Altador Cup 2009 kick off will start tomorrow and fans are pouring in like crazy here at the city of Altador. Ships are arriving and departing from the port every 30 – 60 minutes and pets that can fly are landing on the city every minute. Hotels and inns are already fully booked, so some of the supporters say that they will just camp out just to support their teams.


The top three teams of last year's Cup will be starting this season lightly, with the Mummies fighting against the Natives, the Pirates paired against the Zombies, and the last year champs battling against the Chillers. However, one fight that should be watched out is Shenkuu's Ninjas versus Meridell's Knights. These two teams performed great last year with the Ninjas entering the semi-finals, while the Knights proved their military superiority with some graceful team sweeps. This is going to be a blast! Good luck to everyone and, in advance, happy Fyora day (hopes for a good weapon)!"


Thanks for the report, BJ. Wow, that seems quite crazy! Anyways, I suggest you all get ready, since tomorrow will be the start of the Cup and many will be busy playing, supporting their teams and contributing points endlessly (just remember to take time to eat and sleep!).


For now though, we take in the sights, and enjoy a final rest.

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The highest point in the city huh? So where exactly was that? It sounds like a neat place to hang out in between matches. :P

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Sweet - I know a few fans who would actually be crazy enough to climb up there and watch a match just to dodge the entry fees. :P

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