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Hello everyone! I recently started playing Neopets again after a 2-3 year hiatus. Unfortunately I am unable to recall my old Neopets account, so I had to make a new one. I played for about 2 years before my hiatus. I see they added more things for me to get addicted to...like the NC Mall. :)

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Hey there, and welcome to TDNF! :) If I recall correctly, the hiatus-forgot-account story is pretty common among members here, so you should fit right in - assuming you're used to insanity levels more than 168 times the asylum norm. (:


But don't worry, we're all of the friendly, helpful type here, and only a few of us bite. :shiftyeyes_anim: Anyway, there's a snack table with cookies and stuff on the left if you're hungry, so help yourself!


And if you ever need assistance, just ask. ;)

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