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Hai. :3 You can call me Chai. I've been playing Neopets off and on since... I was 11? D: (I'm almost 19 now.) Anyway, I've been actively saving Neopoints and trying to remember my password. :D I used to be known as Kaeh on the boards, for a bit. Uhm... I don't know what else to say. /wave.

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*waves back*


Welcome to TDNForums Chai. :)

My name's Stephanie.

Hope you stick around the forums with the insanely friendly members here. (:

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to PM myself, or anyone else for that matter, or post another topic. ;)

The snack table's to your left, feel free to take anything that you want (but watch out for the cookies, they can be.....dangerous :evil:) And watch your toes!


Finally, remember to read the rules and I'll see you around!

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Ohh, I like your username! I am assuming it's chai thé, as in chai tea. I LOVE CHAI TEA!! Like, you have no idea. Also the avatar you're using.. Perfect! Cute! Lovin it!


Welcome to TDN!

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Hot or iced? What milk do you use? Built on black? Some people like using green or red for interest or caffeine concerns.

But welcome to the forums! I think someone's supposed to offer cookies.

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