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Hi, I think that I will sign up. My username is lovely_koko96. Thanks a ton.


Congratulations, chi!

There were 55 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. chi-dongnghi_1999
  2. kss15-so_secsy
  3. kaiandshadow-kaiandshadow
  4. Maywish_x-makeitawish_x
  5. Tivsy-amelia_124
  6. Saphira-sapphirekira
  7. Krystalix-Krystalix
  8. Doopiedoo-kiki_gurl10
  9. KB24-totti_ko
 10. Omnalu-Omnalu
 11. Deepti M.-deeptilove
 12. alyssa!-lissyleigh123
 13. Coco-leianidas
 14. safetymath-sechka
 15. Peter-foreverpeter
 16. *SG*-SympliG0th
 17. crazy monkey-swimfreak8888
 18. Cute Cybunny-lovely_koko96
 19. Khepera-Khepera666
 20. wrestling3fan-wrestling3fan
 21. Mumbling-iriskuppen
 22. Ali Cat-fairygal626
 23. retardface-ryanmuch
 24. Madkat_1-Madkat_1
 25. RamdomAccount-pokefan875
 26. theknowledge02-neomaniac513
 27. heartbr3ak-heartbr3ak
 28. Jade Danielle-mionepotter87
 29. ♥Kyra♥-kyra963
 30. Lion-nelson4567
 31. munk3ymark-munk3ymark
 32. Anime-animetriplicate
 33. Miss-Mimi-tehmiminator
 34. fusilla-fusilla
 35. Lucid Cadaver-ravingskeletons
 36. marshy-shadow_gunsniper
 37. Xepha-Xepha
 38. juniorvarsityjaeger-juniorvarsityjaeger
 39. wiseartist-wiseartist60402
 40. Daily Dare-flightofjay
 41. Bubble-kyx25
 42. Bob_the_Bunny-nidoran_11
 43. Rosary-orangerosary
 44. ilovestickers-watchthisspace__
 45. Pink_Fluff-surrealism_16
 46. Pheonix-rssales
 47. Stephanie~-stephanie28915
 48. ho_yt-hoyt89
 49. Omen-wcfomen
 50. Unstream-rebeldingdong
 51. Sarafina7-Sarafina_wolf_7
 52. Jikuu-jikuumage
 53. EternalShadow-xeternalshadowx
 54. jasmindee-snazzyjasmind
 55. tsaria_outsider-tsaria_outsider

Timestamp: 2009-04-21 19:42:00 UTC

You have given Buzzer to User 'dongnghi_1999'.


Hi, is there still room to join? Hehe.


If yes, my username: akifuukail 0:)


I've received 2 items from your previous giveaways.. Thank you soo much love!!


Very very kind of u.. :)


Yup, everyone can still join.


Congratulations to Pink_Fluff!

There were 58 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Pink_Fluff-surrealism_16
  2. munk3ymark-munk3ymark
  3. Apollo-apollo25888
  4. chi-dongnghi_1999
  5. wrestling3fan-wrestling3fan
  6. Jikuu-jikuumage
  7. Ali Cat-fairygal626
  8. kss15-so_secsy
  9. Lucid Cadaver-ravingskeletons
 10. Sarafina7-Sarafina_wolf_7
 11. Daily Dare-flightofjay
 12. crazy monkey-swimfreak8888
 13. Unstream-rebeldingdong
 14. juniorvarsityjaeger-juniorvarsityjaeger
 15. Coco-leianidas
 16. Cute Cybunny-lovely_koko96
 17. RamdomAccount-pokefan875
 18. Deepti M.-deeptilove
 19. Xepha-Xepha
 20. kan-tree-nah-firestar1909
 21. marshy-shadow_gunsniper
 22. Madkat_1-Madkat_1
 23. *SG*-SympliG0th
 24. Peter-foreverpeter
 25. heartbr3ak-heartbr3ak
 26. EternalShadow-xeternalshadowx
 27. ♥Kyra♥-kyra963
 28. Maywish_x-makeitawish_x
 29. Jade Danielle-mionepotter87
 30. Bob_the_Bunny-nidoran_11
 31. Mumbling-iriskuppen
 32. retardface-ryanmuch
 33. KB24-totti_ko
 34. Krystalix-Krystalix
 35. Saphira-sapphirekira
 36. Anime-animetriplicate
 37. Rosary-orangerosary
 38. Akifukail-akifuukail
 39. Tivsy-amelia_124
 40. jasmindee-snazzyjasmind
 41. Omnalu-Omnalu
 42. Omen-wcfomen
 43. fusilla-fusilla
 44. tsaria_outsider-tsaria_outsider
 45. wiseartist-wiseartist60402
 46. kaiandshadow-kaiandshadow
 47. ho_yt-hoyt89
 48. ilovestickers-watchthisspace__
 49. Bubble-kyx25
 50. Pheonix-rssales
 51. Miss-Mimi-tehmiminator
 52. Doopiedoo-kiki_gurl10
 53. alyssa!-lissyleigh123
 54. theknowledge02-neomaniac513
 55. Stephanie~-stephanie28915
 56. Lion-nelson4567
 57. Khepera-Khepera666
 58. safetymath-sechka

Timestamp: 2009-04-22 16:23:37 UTC

You have given Negg to User 'surrealism_16'.


Check out the first post because the prize list has been updated.


Dunno if I signed in or not so throw me in for entertainment value :)




Congratulations, Krystalix!

There were 59 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Krystalix-Krystalix
  2. Xepha-Xepha
  3. Mumbling-iriskuppen
  4. Madkat_1-Madkat_1
  5. jasmindee-snazzyjasmind
  6. kaiandshadow-kaiandshadow
  7. wrestling3fan-wrestling3fan
  8. Tivsy-amelia_124
  9. Apollo-apollo25888
 10. Ali Cat-fairygal626
 11. Jikuu-jikuumage
 12. Bubble-kyx25
 13. Lucid Cadaver-ravingskeletons
 14. Pheonix-rssales
 15. heartbr3ak-heartbr3ak
 16. Lion-nelson4567
 17. Bob_the_Bunny-nidoran_11
 18. EternalShadow-xeternalshadowx
 19. Mr_Info-Vomissement
 20. Stephanie~-stephanie28915
 21. wiseartist-wiseartist60402
 22. theknowledge02-neomaniac513
 23. Khepera-Khepera666
 24. munk3ymark-munk3ymark
 25. fusilla-fusilla
 26. crazy monkey-swimfreak8888
 27. kan-tree-nah-firestar1909
 28. Omnalu-Omnalu
 29. RamdomAccount-pokefan875
 30. safetymath-sechka
 31. chi-dongnghi_1999
 32. Jade Danielle-mionepotter87
 33. Pink_Fluff-surrealism_16
 34. Anime-animetriplicate
 35. alyssa!-lissyleigh123
 36. Maywish_x-makeitawish_x
 37. KB24-totti_ko
 38. ho_yt-hoyt89
 39. Deepti M.-deeptilove
 40. Peter-foreverpeter
 41. Unstream-rebeldingdong
 42. Akifukail-akifuukail
 43. Daily Dare-flightofjay
 44. marshy-shadow_gunsniper
 45. Rosary-orangerosary
 46. *SG*-SympliG0th
 47. ♥Kyra♥-kyra963
 48. Saphira-sapphirekira
 49. Omen-wcfomen
 50. ilovestickers-watchthisspace__
 51. juniorvarsityjaeger-juniorvarsityjaeger
 52. Coco-leianidas
 53. Cute Cybunny-lovely_koko96
 54. kss15-so_secsy
 55. Miss-Mimi-tehmiminator
 56. Sarafina7-Sarafina_wolf_7
 57. tsaria_outsider-tsaria_outsider
 58. Doopiedoo-kiki_gurl10
 59. retardface-ryanmuch

Timestamp: 2009-04-23 13:56:53 UTC

You have given Faerie Slorg Usuki Set to User 'krystalix'.


Ack, I came last Dx


Meh, oh well :)


Btw, my username on here was changed to ryanmuch for some reason - i guess some people got offended by it or something? :/


I really should have thought of something more appropriate.. But yeah, just thought you should know, not that ti really matters :3

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