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Key Quest Prizes?


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I got the rarest piece of the lab map yesterday! :D I sold it for 161k. I was thinking about making a sort of Paint Brush counter.. You know to show how many PBs you've won from Key Quest? :D I'd probably use my PB pixels I made..


Anyone interested?


Ooh, wow. that'd be cool if you made one of those! :D


i think my best prize is codestones so far. i am looking forward to paintbrushes (hopefully the baby paint brush, but open to others!) and specifically the lab map. im gonna try to zap my pets (except my main, of course)

I don't thik you can get Baby Paint Brushes from Key Quest, it only give out cheapy ones, i doubt any paint brush from key quest would sell for over 200k, unless someone really wanted it.


I just started playing yesterday (am now addicted), and so far the best I've won is a bottled water faerie (one yesterday, one today). You can win paintbrushes? Ahhh!


Play a 5-key game with 2 players. That way, the least ammount of prizes you can get is 3. Try and practice the mini-games, so if your PC is slow, then you won't win that much, because they'll be a lag. You can only win Paint Brushes, Map Pieces and Red Codestones from getting the gold key, too.


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Play a 5-key game with 2 players. That way, the least ammount of prizes you can get is 3. Try and practice the mini-games, so if your PC is slow, then you won't win that much, because they'll be a lag. You can only win Paint Brushes, Map Pieces and Red Codestones from getting the gold key, too.


Thanks a bunch for this, very helpful. And yes, my PC is very slow, so I have trouble with the minigames pretty often (the petpetpet one and the novas one especially....those are absolutely impossible, I barely try anymore). :P

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Thanks a bunch for this, very helpful. And yes, my PC is very slow, so I have trouble with the minigames pretty often (the petpetpet one and the novas one especially....those are absolutely impossible, I barely try anymore). :P


Yeah, a slo computer puts you t a real disadvantage on Key Quest. I don't play unless I'm a a faster computer, and when I am I play Key Quest a lot. :D

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haha I got lots of those chalkboards as well, I even put one or two in my neohome XD

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