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What does everyone do for a living?


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Can the over-30s raise their hands too? We need a forum topic for the 20+ women of this forum.


Well, I can chime in for the 20+ female portion. I'm twenty-three and a half. I think. I keep forgetting my age for some reason.

Anyway, I'm a college student. I'm currently in my last year of undergraduate studies and will be entering graduate school in the fall. I plan on becoming a philosophy professor at a university.

As for the "I don't hang out with people my chronological age", of course it makes sense that you may not talk to them. You may be more mature and thus prefer older crowds of people, or simply don't share the interests of the nearest age-related group to you. I read about the differences of children with respect to their birth order, and apparently, only children seem to gravitate to others outside of their age group. I know I always preferred the company of adults to children, even when I was younger. Everyone has a different "mental age". Apparently, the "age of reason", when a person is supposed to be completely aware of themselves, how they relate to people, and responsibilities, is 25. I personally disagree, as I've met old souls under 18, and I've ran into several adults over 40 who still act like vagabonds, but I guess it's a decent rule of thumb.

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I'm the same as everyone else a student. Just one more day before I'm back to school again haizz... :(

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Alright then, all the 20-somethings please raise your hands? D: PLEASE? lol


*raises hand* In fact in 13 days I will be 23!

I way win... I am actually going to be 34 this year **eek** As for what I do, well jack of all trades master of none? I am currently a writer, business owner, substitute teacher, and full time mother of 5 yes 5 children 12 and under which include a set of 2 year old identical twin girls who are already using the "she did it " line that drives me nuts. Not to mention that I am going to school part time working on my masters in neuropsychology with emphasis in cognitive rehabilitation :)

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