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Hey Neopets players!


We’re a group of UC Berkeley students working on a study that will be read by people from several game companies. To better understand the gaming industry, we would appreciate your input on how game companies can improve game play in the future generations of video games.


Your feedback is valuable in helping improve your, your friends’, and future gamers’ gaming experience. Your responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. They survey is short and should only take a couple of minutes.


Please use the following link to begin the survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB2292ZCY4J42


In appreciation for your time and effort, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you complete the survey by April 19, 2009.


Thank you in advance for your participation,

The UC Berkeley Research Team


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Heh heh, just a little personal feedback, but a game with 20 hours of gameplay really isn't that much. I personally enjoy games with 50+ hours of gameplay. A 20 hour game I could probably finish in less than a week :P

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I no longer have time for games that take more than 20 hours to play. Once upon a time, but not any more. Too much real life and other interests to get in the way now. Games with 10-15 hours of game play are perfect for me. Or games like Neopets that have no real objective...

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10-15 hours isn't much. I felt so ripped off with fable two and it took me 34 to do every thing including side quests, etc. The thing about longer games, is you don't play them all at once. I like games that can take me months to complete. It kind of saddens me that games these days are getting so short and still calling them selves "full and lengthy"

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The only way I'd spend 60 bucks on a game with a play time of 20 hours is if it had a high replay value. Like Left 4 Dead. Sure, it may only take 2 hours to finish when you play by yourself, but when you play online, it can be pretty lengthy and challenging. You get 4 people playing survivors, and 4 playing as 'special' zombies (regular zombies are just controlled by the computer ~_^) and there are 5 levels. Each team gets to play each of those levels, once as human and once as a zombie. A lot of trash talking and cursing goes on, but that's what happens when you give guys headsets >_>


Otherwise, I'm not buying that game. I'll wait for it to go on sale, buy it on ebay/amazon, or even buy it used. I have patience :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone,


The dog ate our survey results. :P


Any chance you can help answer these questions again? We took your feedback (and our professor’s) and improved the questions. It will still only take you 3 minutes, and your answers will improve gaming experiences for everyone.


The link is here:



Please fill out the questionnaire by Friday, May 1st.


Thanks for your help!

Your fellow gamers from Berkeley 

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I'm with you guys. If I'm not maxing out the game clock, it's not a game I'm interested in playing, much less shelling out good money for. Though, in the spirit of what the survey was looking for, I am definitely not buying a game that tries to hook me with downloadable extras for a small fee. Not even Wizards of the Coast can get away with that crap these days, and their content is worth more than a few bucks. I prefer paying for everything up front so that I know exactly what I'm getting into. I figure the idea of breaking up a game into the core and the extras is a way of getting consumers to cough up more than they are initially willing to if it's a formula of $20 + X($1 - $3) rather than a straight $50. How many of the small things they buy will easily get lost in the "it's so cheap!" aspect of it all.

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More than 20 hours of game play is fine if all you play is RPGs. But for those of us that don't play RPGs, 20 hours is waaaaay to long for some games. I love playing survival-horror games, and I seriously think that I would be putting my mental health at risk by playing certain survival-horror games with more than 10 hours of content.


I understand where you guys are coming from, since I used to play a lot of RPGs. I'd roll the clock on a lot of them, too. I'm just pointing out that long game play doesn't make ALL kinds of games fun, and would actually be detrimental to the fun of some genres of video games.

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