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alien aisha avatar & faerie queen avatar


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i used two nerkmids to try for the alien aisha one, and i just bought a baby pb from the hiddne tower. i didnt get either avatar. is that a glitch or are the avatars given randomly even when i complete the requirements?

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I think I've heard from somewhere that you don't get the actual event that you got the avatar, for the Faerie queen one at least? :/


I'm not sure. But check just in case on your avatar list if you've got the avatars. ;) That'll be your best bet.

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Um, check your Neoboards preferences to see if you have the avatar. If you don't have it, I suggest sending a Report to TNT and telling them your problem. I'm pretty sure that once you use a Nerkmid, it will tell you that you can use the avatar, because I saw my roommate use it and he got the avatar. Unless you have both avatars already.

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For some reason I was thinking that you don't always get it just because you used a Nerkmid.. Well I checked the info on TDN's avatar list and apparently you should have gotten it.. I don't know why I thought that. :S Good luck!

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