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Milli is in the BC again! And Bella wants your votes! No jokes. :P SO anyway, this is my first picture I drew with Photoshop so yeah!




So yeah, hope you like it :D Better image Here!


Aww! LOL Even though I hate Twilight I shall vote for her because she is very cute! :)


At first when I look at the name I thought there were 2 pets lol. Very cute pet good luck!!


P.S Yay my l000th post!!


Thanks, there is a LOT of Korbats this week *gulps* and they are very good!


Your vote has been cast for _bella_and_edward

good luck ;)


I have a questiong about BC: Can I draw by hand and then scan it or it should be done only in pc?


@ Kaiandshadow: Of course you can do it that way!

I did that with my first tonu entry :)


Don't get discouraged Milli! We're here to give you a hand with some extra votes!


*pokes siggy* Maybe you could mention a spare vote there? ;)


I'll vote for you! I love Twilight, and I'm a huge fan of it, but I have to use my favorite smiley face and admit that I'm getting :offtopic:


Yay for votes!


Deepti M. I *heart* twilight, and I love The Host. and I am getting :offtopic: too...


Off to put it in siggy...

@ Kaiandshadow: Of course you can do it that way!

I did that with my first tonu entry :)


Don't get discouraged Milli! We're here to give you a hand with some extra votes!


*pokes siggy* Maybe you could mention a spare vote there? ;)


ohh nice :D thank you :D

Another Question: Can I make a drowing in a piece of wood? I mean burning it with that strage pencil that burns wood.

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