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Pet trading....


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color me curious....is it neo "legal" to trade pets themselves for NP or items? :evo:

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no, thats illigal you can't ask for neopoints or items in return for a pet


figured as much heh....but figured it couldn't hurt to ask ;) thanks!


which brings me to the quandry that i have a grey pet that i HATE to just throw in the pound (ray zapped her) and would like to make sure she gets a decent home with a responsible neopian...anybody out there from the TDN staff? interested in a donated grey pet for lending purposes?

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wow I still dont have the gray avie :D but I'm already in the May chain for lending and I have 3 pets so I cannot take care of her sry


LMFOA! me either....least not till the ray worked in my favor (wOOt...i'm inch'n up on 200 YEA!)...and had even tried getting on the lending list (but iz still too much of a nOOb around here)....oddly enough...i really hadn't been zap'n her very long so was VERY shocked to see her go grey of all things...


oh wellz...i'm sure i'll figure out something to do with her....or i'll have her so long that i'll get attached and then won't be able to let her go :* heeheehee

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If I could borrow it off you, that would be grand :) You'll get it back right after I get the avvie :) I'll even pay the trade fees.


P.S Yes, I am as trusthworthy as they come - being a mature Englishman and all that.


mmmmmmmm....i don't wanna get into "loans" an "fees"....i'm not a greedy neo kinda heart (jus too soft hearted to drop her in the pound...they jus beg an beg an beg *pouts*....and don't even wanna tip toe around breaking neo rules...soz how about this....if you're interested...we can do a "pay it forward" kinda thing...i'll pass her along to you...and then if you don't wanna keep her (after getting your avie)....on your honor Sir....you'll pass her along to someone else (at NO CHARGE OR FEES) an she can be a SHH unto herself for some other avie hunter -g/w-....and hopefully so on until she finds someone who falls in love with her and wants to keep her for their very own heh...


if you're agreeable...i'll go ahead and start the transfer an you can take it from there :)

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Certainly sounds like a good idea to me, (I don't actually want a new pet) - but just to clarify quickly that future passing on will only happen with TDN forum members.. right? :)




works for me doll :evo: i only request that she remains a "pay it forward" kinda thing and no one's "charged" for her...*if/when somebody ends up keep'n her i'd luff mail letting me know she's found a permenant home heeheehee*


Happy Easter all and enjoy your new avie S/S!!!


works for me doll :evo: i only request that she remains a "pay it forward" kinda thing and no one's "charged" for her...*if/when somebody ends up keep'n her i'd luff mail letting me know she's found a permenant home heeheehee*


Happy Easter all and enjoy your new avie S/S!!!


OH S/S!!!!! jus realized kaiandshadow was after the avie too...so he might be a good person to make the next transfer to *if he's interested?*


jus a stray thought :rolleyes_anim:


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I'm not four months old yet, but I love the pet. I can't believe TNT froze my account. I love the avvie!

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