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My poor Velveteen Puppy


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My poor standard poodle Velvet she cut all her pads up earlier today. We were rollerblading at a park with my other dog which we do all the time not something new. But today when we where passing a few bikes going full speed she put on the full brakes wouldn't budge dragged her feet and my other dog kept going I had to make her stop. I didn't think anything and i was like come on girl and forced her to walk didn't know anything was wrong just though she was a little spooked still. When i stopped and was like come on whats wrong i saw blood i was like oh no... All 4 she cut when she stopped suddenly i tried carring her outta the park but she wouldnt let me she wanted to walk the 2 miles back to the car >.< now shes all cleaned and bandaged she looks so funny with 4 pink paws ;p.




bad picture blame the laptop

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Aww the poor thing. She does look really cute with her little pink paws, hopefully she wont chew them off.


It's funny how pets do really weird things like that.

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Aw, poor sweetie. Standard poodles are such good dogs. I haven't met one yet that I haven't liked.


Dogs often don't understand the source of the pain and discomfort and assume that it's the bandages causing it, so they try to remove them.

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