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Foods/Condiments you HATE?


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Lol I actually like all the food you mentioned on your list, though if there was one food I really couldn't bring myself to eat it would be celery

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My boyfriend had this weird toothpaste at his house once that his mum had bought, I can't remember what it was supposed to be, but I kept saying it tasted like hippies. It was some sort of herb or something, that was gross.

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Lol I actually like all the food you mentioned on your list, though if there was one food I really couldn't bring myself to eat it would be celery

Oh yeah, that reminds me. I also hate celery. I had a bad experience with celery about six years ago and have hated it ever since.


I do really like mint, though. I don't know if I've ever tried toothpaste that wasn't mint flavor, but it sounds pretty nasty to me.

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Ok I don't know what hippies taste like, BUT the toothpaste REMINDED me of trees and grass and hippies and that sort of rubish, stupid toothpaste.


I also dislike celery! I don't know but I think if it didn't have the stupid stringy bits on top then it would be better, but I'd probably still not like it.

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Actually, celery tastes quite good if you cook it with chicken broth and chicken, and then refrigerate it for a day to let the celery marinate in the chicken juices :yes:.


Most foods, if cooked correctly, will taste good.

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^^ That doesn't sound too bad to me, but only because the celery would probably just taste like chicken. I'm okay with celery being cooked into meals, as long as I can't taste it.


Unfortunately, the taste of cinnamon is pretty hard to cover up. We bought these lemon Girl Scout cookies, and they'd actually be good if whoever created the recipe hadn't decided to include cinnamon in it. Who mixes cinnamon and lemon? :sick01:

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I just remember I also hate mint as well especially those mint candies, it may taste good for a well then it start to taste like medicine to me >.<

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I dont really hate mint but I hate those mint candies too, too fresh for me.


They sell chocolate and green apple tasting toothpaste here.




I only use the green apple flavoured one cuz it really makes you feel as if you are biting one, Yummy.

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In the end I'm sure I'm going to have a lonnnng list!


Meat in general I dislike, probably why I'm a vegetarian ^_^

I don't like mushrooms, any seafood, two minute noodles, stirfry, dairy products (I'm allergic anyway, chocolate is okay, but cheese, milk etc is just :sick01: )

Hot cross buns, cabbage.. ah I'll stop now :P

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Aww what a pity to be allergic cheese, it taste so great to me...

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I usually eat everything that it is cooked well and it isn't greasy.

The thing I don't like is cinnamon.

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