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Please Read Entire Message Before Posting or Neomailing

What we are doing here is posting our Neopets usernames to be added to a list of Neomail Addict avatar seekers.
I will compile that list and post it so we can connect those users willing to be frequently Neomailed in hopes of attaining the avatar.

What You Do Is:
- Post your Neopets username.
- Look for other people on the list you want to Neomail.
- Contact other users with a Neomail to set up a system that works for you.

Please let me know if someone is abusing the opportunity, so I can blacklist them.
Please include any special notes/requests you might have in your original post. Such as:
- Only Neomail on Mon & Tues
- Only Neomail in French
- Etc.

Do Not add yourself if you are not an active player.
Do Not add yourself if you don't want to receive a lot of Neomail.
Do Not use this list as an excuse to hassle/spam people.

Please Don't Post Commentary Here Unless You Intend To Participate.


1stdautcalm | 1tomread1 | 13magic_brownies | aaahhh03 | abisomega | acara_master_robin | a_dark_light2004 | amyclae | anniemorphs | anxelita | apiokpo apollo25888 | arksie | atheneparthenos | astrokisses | Ayamena | babblebuth | BabyGurl_LovesAll | babyrizmund | Bakunin202 | bfly1126 | Bluewisp16 | bluexvelvet | britty_soco | cactusthorn2151 | caityc923 | CamoZombie | celenex3 | ckerr9 | Clarestaa | CuteyPatutie333 | dasbif | datenshi1 | debbydude | deeptilove | de_luxe | demonkitty12345 | Ditalion | divyadamini dragonzfire30 | Drslothowns | dylangel | emeraldangel097 | esther_and_paul | explodster | fairybaby55678 | falling_stars143 | fashiongirl25 | fire2drag1 | firestar1909 | firstincommand | Geminikitty | generation_apathy | gierose | gkim85 | goldenlupe08 | goonza93 | graykat222 | gryffinprincess | hamrhadd00 | Hane24 | Harry__potter__freak | Hortatory | hoyt89 | irouli | Ishigaki | jabermouth | jackie_3_3_3 | Jacnob | jikuumage | joely_x0 | jbp173 | Kazedo | kazenokonrei | kougralover328 | Kuroida | ladyjakester | laughhter | leianidas | leonlecameleon | lexielu22a | lifeasadinosaur | lil_miss_rock_star | lindylily | livvy_granger | lovely_koko96 | ludachick2007 | Lypreila | magicxmaid | master_actor133 | Mcmoosey | megangarrison214 | merodyy | MikoAucarod | minnie9324 | Misskitt3h | mousylein | mrayamgoreng_12 | mrpetterson93 | muppetbaby55 | nathally_b_c | nays_paint_brush | nick104482 | nikimin94 ocean_surfer | nintendoplayer120 | ohmyjohn | Orial87 | pcmaster_nz | peace_111 | Pentek | persephoniekali | phenylketonuric | pikakirby123 | pixieperson345 | pppesci | princess4954 | prinveli | punker_ai | puppyinaparka | Quaker122 | reallycooldog | rebeldingdong | revelevon | revolutionutena | rhinoboy80 | rinoa812 | Sacrificed_warrior | sapphirekira | Screwdriver94 | seleana | Seliphra | selusa | shannonzhu | Shazzer_plahim | shetawolfthe12th | snowedin87 | spankalishous | srumphie | stained_puddle | starfire17 | Strawb3rrySammy | My link | swayamsiddhamishra | swimfreak660 | swimfreak8888 | syprusur | teh__kitteh | _thammy | thebigmelon | thejoker1986 | thisvaliantheart | tsaria_outsider | twinneedle | unknownman14 | Velyiset_Terrington | vivies | vixensykerd | vxmeowsxv | wakeupbabyx3 | werhli | witte_lelie | wrestling3fan | xamorei | xeternalxshadowx | x_xmrs_wayx_x | buizin | Your_Lock | yunotsi | zombiefaiirytale

Under Thirteen: Cannot Reply
IanUL2000 | george_200

If you would like your name to link to your profile or directly to a Neomail, include the code in your post and I will copy it here.

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Wow you read my mind with this. I thinking about signing up for the trial period of premium to get it. Sign me up.


Neopets name: Neomaniac513


I don't think I'd ever get enough Neomail to give myself a decent chance of getting this avatar without a system like this.


Edit: Avatar achieved!


Well, I updated the original post to be more clear? Does that answer your question?

I'm just making a list of names of people who want to Neomail a lot in search of the Neomail Addict avatar.


Then it's up to the people on the list to contact one another and decide how they want to go about it.


Like I want the avatar ASAP so I am hoping to find people who just want to go back

and forth as often as possible with just whatever nonsense messages they feel like sending.


Some people though might want to message at a particular time or set up like a chain mail list...


Username: leianidas. I don't really have any special requests so Neomail away, you guys. :D (Although my time zone is different. It's almost like Australia's zone.)


I'm interested to join but then I don't know what to neomail the others... My neopet username is hoyt89.


Wonderful idea FutureTXGovernor :D

I would love to get this avatar but I don't neomail often unfortunately.


My neopet username is tikmi.

I'm from a small country in Europe. I can write in English (seems obvious :P), but my native language is French. I'm logged in Neopets everyday.

So I will be glad to discuss with some TDN members, or just join a nonsense-messages-chain-to-get-an-avy :P

I'm interested to join but then I don't know what to neomail the others... My neopet username is hoyt89.


You can pick anyone off the list, or multiple people even, and just send them a message that says something like:


"Hey, I found you on the Neomail Addicts List @ TDN. Wanted to see if you were interested in Neomailing with me."


Then just talk about how you would like to Neomail, for example, Masaryk and I have been messaging back and forth a lot. At first we just exchanged a few niceties, like how we hoped this worked, and how we both had really bad luck with random event avatars. Then when the conversation kind of stalled I suggested that we just message our way through the alphabet, and that seems to be working out for the two of us.


So, what you say is up to you, so long as that first message is clear and coherent about who you are and how you want to approach Neomailing.


I'm so excited everyone! It looks like this could really take off if we just keep at it. Eight people may not seem like a lot,

but from my perspective that is eight more Neomails than I would have sent or received before I started the list.


p.s. Please don't feel like you have to wait for someone to approach you. Everyone on this list WANTS Neomail, so don't be afraid to jump right in.


Brilliant, FTX! Genius! That was a stupendously obvious yet overlooked idea, and I'm glad you actually though of and voiced it! It's wonderful!


(Translation: sign me up! Username: livvy_granger (Aren't I so imaginative? :P ))


me to ,me to ^_^

My user name is datenshi1

the only problem I think, it is that I am from a different time zone.I am from South Eastern Europa.


Oh! Also, I meant to say: Please PM me on here if you try to send a neomail and it says my inbox is full. Thanks!

Oh! Also, I meant to say: Please PM me on here if you try to send a neomail and it says my inbox is full. Thanks!


Good Call Livvy. Keep in mind everyone, that if you have a complication or if you think someone else does, contact the group here or message me.

We don't want people getting left out cause of some silly thing like their inbox being full, or going on vacation and being taken off the list for inactivity.


I've been keeping my inbox fairly empty, so anyone that wants to neomail me won't have any problems.


I'll join.





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I would have LOVED to join if it wasnt for the fact that I am under 13, curse TNT.


I already have the avatar, but if you need people to be reciving/sending just to help people then sure, I will help :D Harry__potter__freak is my username :D


Ooh! I would like to join! My username is deeptilove! Please add me to the list?


:O A pin!! Yay! *dances excitedly*


And by the way...


I'd love to join this list; I don't have this avatar yet. However I'm a little bit fuzzy on the details. Do we use that list in your first post to send NM to other people, and then our name goes on that list and hopefully we'll get some NM from others to increase the mail flow through our inboxes?




Apollo ^_^

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