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I have never spent too much time in the battle dome so I am not sure exactly where I should improve at.


Level: 2 (Yes it is a lab ray pet)

Health: 185 / 185

Strength: 80

Defence: 39

Move: 81

Intelligence: brilliant (deos it even matter really?)




Drain Life


Battle Set

Ylanas Blaster

Scuzzys Comb

Ultra Dark Reflectorb

Staff of Righteous Fury

Tooth of Terask

Winged Scarab

Green Scorchstone

Leaf Shield


Any advice would be appreciated for the DoN opponents from Giant Ghostkerchief and beyond. I also know I need to raise my level up some.


Your abilities are fine. Your stats are good enough to beat them, however be easier with higher defense. Also isn't the next strength boost 85? If so, go for that.



I reccomend getting a Downsize! and a Thick smoke bomb. These 2 plus your Sink and Burrow gives you 4 free rounds prety much.

Getting a better healer be better. Green schorchstone only heals 40 points. If you can't afford a better one, get a Lucky Robots foot, which heals you max.

Staff of Snowglobe is good but makes sure it freezes on the first turn, if not heal (via weak opponent) and restart.

Then 2 good weapons, 2 Ylanas Blaster would be a good attacker.


So a basic turn by turn guide.

1: Freezer & Ylanas Blaster & Burrow (If it doesn't freeze, restart, or hope he uses its healer)

2: Ylana & Ylana & Fierce

3: Ylana & Ylana & Sink.

4: Ylana & Thick Smoke Bomb & Fierce.

5: Ylana & Downsize & Normal


With those 5 turns his health should be low while you have avoided its attacks.

But if you need to continue


6: Healer & Ylana & Normal


That should hopefully beat him, if you need anymore, just use your Ylanas Blasters, It can be luck sometimes, took me awhile to beat him.


Thank you both for your help. :) I'll try to go whoop up on him now ;)

New Weapon build is as follows:

Ylanas Blaster x2

Snowglobe Staff


Thick Smoke Bomb

Lucky Robot's Foot

Leaf Shield

Ultra Dark Reflect Orb

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