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Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself really quick :) I started playing neopets about 8 years ago but got my account hacked and I got kind of discouraged about playing after that. I recently came across neopets again and am once again completely addicted to neopets. My new obsession is collecting avatars (which I have spent wayyy too many neopoints on, haha) and training my pet Snarky_21. I've found TDN's page very helpful with my quest for avvies and also love that I can do all of my dailies very quickly with the links provided. Anyways, I look forward to being able to come here and talk with other people :D

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Hey, welcome to TDNForums :D

My name's Stephanie.

I started playing Neopets last year after a break and I've found TDN (the dailies are the greatest :yes:) a great tool, as well as this forum!

We're an incredibly friendly bunch, as well as a tad insane (:

Bu that's what makes us special XD

Yeah, our Avatar Lending programme is a great department so if you're aiming for those last pet or item avvies be sure to check that out! (But be sure to read those rules ;))

So, stay active!

As I've already mentioned a bit, be sure to read the forum rules (we don't want angry mods) and I'll cya around!


PS We've got a snack table- to your left. Just avoid getting to close..........and those cookies :evil:

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Thanks for the welcome Stephanie...yep I read all the rules :) I'm sure I'll be a regular around here and hopefully after I've been here for a while will be able to be lent some to help me get those elusive avatars. Man, the ones that involve aged petpets would take forever since I plan on only having 1 neopet for a while (although I do have 1 extra at the moment that I adopted in order to get one of the avvies). Oh yeah, and I'm a bit kooky too, which I think is part of my charm, so I'm sure I'll fit right in. :cool:

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Hey there, welcome! I had an account hacked as well once, I quit on the spot! I understand completely and it's so unfair! :(


Anyway, good luck with your new account! I also spend way too much on avatars.. I'm so broke! :(

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My case too, is similar to yours, although, it was only because i forgot my password which left me out of the site for a good 9 years or so. Welcome to the forums. Be sure to ask around if you need help, and give help to others where necessary. Wishing you a good time.

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