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Lylat Rat

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Normally I'd give you a cheerful and lovely welcome, but I'm sick, so you get the boring welcome. Sorry. I'm normally cheerful and lovely though!


1. Read the rules. We have really cool mods, but they're not so cool when they're angry.

2. Accept our insanity. You have just been greeted by the two major fronts of it.

3. Join it! :evil:

4. Get and stay active. It's really saddening when newbies disappear.

5. Have fun!


And don't eat the cookies yet, even the perfectly round ones. They don't agree with newbies too well. :shiftyeyes_anim:


I'm Livvy, by the way.

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Hey Fox McCloud, welcome to TDNForums :D


My name's Stephanie.


And to add to Livvy's important guidelines, if you need any help, feel free to drop a PM to one of us or post a topic. ;)

We're insane, and that's what makes us stand out in the forum :yes:

Remember to read the rules, stay active and I'll cya around!

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