orphen144 Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 last month i just got sick with mono and now i think i'm having an allergic reaction to the mold in my school.
master11190 Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I'm not sick, but I probably will be soon. I always get sick right around Spring Break time 'cause of those stupid stinky trees that bloom!
Captain Awesome Pants Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I get sick about every other week in fall/winter/early spring. :P It's not fun. Plus I have allergies to dogs that get really bad in the summer.
master11190 Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I hate allergies :/ I guess I should be thankful though, I only have seasonal allergies. I'm not allergic to anything, unlike my best friend who is allergic to EVERYTHING. She has excema too. Poor girl.. And my dad has to take two kinds of allergy medication every day just to function haha
heerozero Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I had a really bad head cold about three weeks ago, and now I'm getting sick AGAIN. Plus I have a bunch of important assignments due this week, so it couldn't have happened at a worse time. :sad02:
ΩCCΩ Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I dont have much allergies-xept one, Iron, I cant wear any bracelet, ear-rings ANYTHING that had been made from Iron, or else my skin will peel off. sound sweet, huh?
livvy Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Ooh, ooh *raises hand eagerly* I get sick! In fact, I'm sick right now. Apparently I'm fighting off some sort of virus that doesn't give me enough of a fever to have an "excuse" to leave school, but makes me tired enough to have no real reason to be there.
master11190 Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I knew this one girl that was allergic to some kind of metal thing too... She had to paint the buttons on her jeans with clear nail polish or she got a little rash everywhere it touched her lol. I never noticed if she had to do anything about earrings.
ΩCCΩ Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 The only metals I can wear are gold and silver, SWEEET.
orphen144 Posted March 10, 2009 Author Posted March 10, 2009 well i have an allergy to mold. and mold is everywhere i've had a migrain for 6 days now and every day it gets worse.
Unstream Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I knew this one girl that was allergic to some kind of metal thing too... She had to paint the buttons on her jeans with clear nail polish or she got a little rash everywhere it touched her lol. I never noticed if she had to do anything about earrings. Yeah the same thing happens to me. I have to sew a small piece of cloth over the button so it doesn't touch me.
livvy Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 :O OH YEA!! *ahem* Sorry; I just remembered that was another use for clear nail polish. :* I have a strange reaction to some kind of metal, but we've only found it in one pair of earrings, so I just don't wear those.
master11190 Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I guess I have sensitive skin too. Back when I went tanning everyday (I can't believe I did that to my skin. But, I digress...) I kept breaking out, until I realized it was my lotion doing it. I only wear real metal jewelry, just 'cause I don't like the fake stuff ;) I wore a plastic belly button ring for a few days until I couldn't stand it anymore. It itched soo bad!
̊ ˉˉ ̊ Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 Ha, I don't think I'm going to post anymore in this topic for the sake of keeping it tolerable.
Captain Awesome Pants Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 Yea Myles, stay out. ;) You'll make us all feel bad for complaining. XD Oh, did I mention that I break out in hives for no reason sometimes, and if I use soap on any part of my body besides my face, hands and feet, I break out in a rash that itches like the dickens. So my legs always itch after I shave.
Georgia Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Well not sick exactly, stuck in hospital with a fractured back and a broken tailbone. How I wish I was back playing underwater hockey! :crying:
StuckInSanity Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 ^^ Yikes, that sounds painful! Hope you get well soon! :) As for me, I've been chronically ill for the last year and a half... I won't go into details, though, because I get sick of always sounding like I'm complaining whenever I talk about my life. <_< I will say, though, that I thought my digestive problems were over after I got my gallbladder removed last summer, but now it's looking almost certain that I've got some type of food allergy/intolerance, most likely celiac disease. Don't pretty much all processed foods contain gluten? I can deal with being sick, but not being able to eat Goldfish, cookies, bread, cake? :crying: I need my fooooood. :P Edit: I think just to torture me, "processed foods" was underlined in my post with one of those rollover ad things. I put my mouse over it and this picture of a huge piece of lasagna appeared. That's just cruel. :ohno:
cahgirl87 Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 I've been suffering from some kind of virus or cold the last couple of days....Fever, very sore throat, and stuffy nose. I'm also a bit worried because I'm starting to suspect I might possibly have skin cancer. For the last 2 months, I've noticed some of my freckles getting very dark. And then some of them actually scabbed over and started bleeding...ok., I know...Ewwwww! Sorry, haha. Anyways, I'm really nervous about this and know I need to go to the doctors so they can check it out. The only problem (ok, well there's more than 1 actually) is I have no insurance+no money to pay for a doctors visit. I have been unemployed for the last 6 months due to the lack of jobs in my area+helping take care of my nana. I don't want to tell anyone in my family unless I actually know for sure that I have skin cancer because my family tends to blow things up and make a big deal out of everything, so I don't want to stress them out (which will in turn stress me out even more) as well since it could turn out to be nothing. Also, did I mention that I'm terrified of doctors? I have a very bad anxiety problem and pretty much freak out when I even look at a doctors office or hospital. Even though I am terrified of anything to do with the medical field, if I had insurance, I would go in a heartbeat because cancer runs in our family...Not sure if skin cancer is passed through genes, but we have a lot of family problems...My genetic make-up=a lot of problems to look forward to. Anyways, if you guys could keep me in you thoughts, I would really appreciate it. If I do end up going to the doctor I'll let you guys know the results. Anyone know about how much a biopsy would cost? I know a doctors visit alone (just for seeing you) costs $100...I'm assuming they'd do a biopsy to see if the cells on my skin are cancerous or not...no idea how much that would cost though. :(
amitybelle Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Anyone know about how much a biopsy would cost? I know a doctors visit alone (just for seeing you) costs $100...I'm assuming they'd do a biopsy to see if the cells on my skin are cancerous or not...no idea how much that would cost though. :(My biopsies have all been free. My doctor visits cost me $25 and she refers me. The only thing my parents have ever had to pay for are airfares. I guess one good thing about NZ is cheap medical care :).
cahgirl87 Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 My biopsies have all been free. My doctor visits cost me $25 and she refers me. The only thing my parents have ever had to pay for are airfares. I guess one good thing about NZ is cheap medical care :). That is nice, it would be awesome to not have to worry about having a very expensive doctor bill...the only thing I can really think of is that I could go to the hospital and they would put me on a payment schedule, but then the bill would be outrageously expensive...hospitals=money stealers (ok, not really stealers...but vastly inflated costs for everything) if you don't have insurance. As soon as I get a job and get some money coming in I am going to invest in health care insurance...it would be nice to have it anyway since I suffer from migraines and haven't been able to get medicine in a very long time and other random ailments that seem to plague my life. Seriously, I've been thinking that I don't want to have kids just because I would feel bad about passing on all of these crappy genes to them, haha.
Poppybabes Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 Ive been ill since july and might have to have an operation...I have scoliosis its a curve(or two) and a rotate in the spine...Painful eh?
dazngurl Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 im not sick YET but i think i will be. it's frustrating because i just got done being sick then my bro got me sick and now im not sick and i think i'll get it again. x[
Denisa Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 i usually have a cold, with an annoying runny nose but not much more.i was operated for a deviation of the septum last year,but that is not really a sickness.
m00fin_hearts_chocolate Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 I dont have much allergies-xept one, Iron, I cant wear any bracelet, ear-rings ANYTHING that had been made from Iron, or else my skin will peel off.wow,that sounds weird.kind of,but not really.my sister has REALLY sensitive skin and she once got a rash that kind of made her skin peel off too.o_O
Doopiedoo Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 I've got allergies to lots of seasonal stuff. And pets, which is not cool since that means no furry animals. Which mean fishies for me!But my allergies are just because of my blocked and underdeveloped sinuses. I usually get migraines at least every month, but thats not a lot since I was two I had migraines every week. Nothing helps. Not unless I catch it early. By catch it early I mean that I feel it come on, usually I do not. lol. My friend is allergic to cold or hot. Well extreme temperature changes. Yes she wears like barely any clothes. I don't get her but we all looked at her funny when we were talking about allergies and I was like I have the basic dust, mold, trees, polen ect. Cats& dogs and furry animals and everyone else was like nope nothing. She just says i'm allergic to the cold. We all stayed silent lol. Sickness is an everyday thing. Always a tiny headache or an allergic reaction. If I was to post it would be everyday. :(
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