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Hello everyone!


I've been posting around a bit for a few days here so I figured I would come in an introduce myself. My name is Drew and I'm 20 years old (too old to play Neopets? Never!). I'm currently a sophomore in college studying english literature. I've been playing Neopets for a couple years now on and off, but I'd really like to get back into it. :)

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Hi, there ahamkaara, hope you enjoy TDN forums and belime if you thought that you are never too old to play neopets..then you are in the right place buddy.

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Hi Drew! Now we can officially welcome you! So, welcome! You're not the oldest among us, believe me. :) Anywho, since you've already posted around a bit, I suppose I don't really need to tell you to read the rules, but I will anyway. Actually, I just did. Yay! You've probably also seen the insanity, so I don't need to warn you about that either. (:


I'd give you a better greeting, but I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll finish this later. Have fun!

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This was livvy, the girl who wlcomes EVERYBODY, new or old or anything it was. Have fun and I forgot to mention that we are insane, so you are more than welcome to join us.

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Who said he was coping?


Ha, I just have him under my control... like everyone else here.


IDIOT! You don't say that out loud!!


Ummm, I meant.... He is coping just fine and I do not have him under my control. :D




I'm Laura.


And I'm Laura's voice in her head.


Welcome to our INSANE lovely forums.

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...And as she introduced herself, she will be Laura, she tal;ks with herself all the time but dont worry, it is just those cookies that you shoved inside your mouth now, you will be joining her anytime now.


PS: Did I mention that I am the laziest person here in TDNforums?

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And that's Laura. She's the majority of the insanity; I just take up a little of it. ;)


Yes, I'm the girl who greets everyone. :D I'm also the girl who is dangerous with icing. If I'm anywhere near, avoid it. SERIOUSLY.


So yea! Sorry I couldn't give you a proper greeting, but I see that's been taken care of, so I won't bother repeating everything. =]

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Crazed? Crazed? Who's crazed? I'm not crazed. *sits on floor crosslegged* I'm perfectly fine. Really! :yes:


(Don't let me scare you though; I really am a nice person. =] )

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Hiya Drew, welcome to TDNForums :D


My name's Stephanie.


Don't worry about your age, we actually have a wide age group here so its all good! Most of the time we all cope well together!

Well, its a great start to join TDN. Even though we're a tad insane, we're also extremely helpful so feel free to PM one of us or post a topic if you have any questions ;)


Remember to read the rules, try to stay active and I'll cya around! (:


PS The snack table......fear the cookies! :evil:

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