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So I woke up this morning to it being slightly colder in my house than usual. At that point, I realised that the furnace had not come on since I had awoken. I've owned my house for two years now, and I'd never had problems with the furnace before, so it took me a few minutes to figure out how this one worked. I did the reset sequence, and it came on for a minute, but then it shut off again. By the way, at 9:00 this morning, it was -21 C.


My husband called the furnace repair people, who thankfully were able to come by today. They arrived at about 1:30 pm. By that time, it was 13 C in my house. They diagnosed the problem, and went back for parts.


An hour later, they're installing the new part - a gas valve (which they didn't think they had in stock). They turn on the furnace, but it wouldn't stay running. Gas valve wasn't the problem. :(


It's now 11 C in my living room. It's -13 outside. I'm cold and miserable. But not as miserable as the actual problem. As it turns out, birds had flown into the exhaust vent. The repair guys pulled four dead blackbirds out of my furnace exhaust ducts. Poor birds!


My husband's still in the basement, chatting up the repair guys. They're still putting everything back together. It's still 11 C and I'm still frozen. My cat, Ziggy, is complaining. But, at least I'm better off than the birds.


Aw that sucks :(


And yet it's hilarious in the way that it was caused by birds :P


Haha yeah, really does suck for the birds though...


My heating system never seemed to have problems. Then again, my dad usually takes care of that stuff, so I wouldn't know.


Birds have been causing all sorts of trouble. First the plane, now this... I hope it gets back up soon. An 11 degree house would NOT be comfortable.


(Hang on, that Celsius... what would it be in Fahrenheit? You don't actually have to answer; I'm just thinking out loud.)


Actually, that'd be about 52 Fahrenheit. That's not too bad!


I could be in that weather in a tshirt and feel fine :P


My friend is like that. He could walk around shirtless in 50 degree weather. ...o_O I only know this because he webcams with me a lot, and he complains about it being really hot in his room when it's like 62 degrees. That's the ONLY reason I know this, I swear!


It's fixed now! Back up to 14 C! Set me back close to 300$, though.:( Oh well, that's life. Stupid birds. Better than dead rats (I had an incident this past summer with a dead rat).


I'm finding the temperature in here to be a bit uncomfortable. I don't have a lot of personal "insulation." I don't mind the cold if I'm active; I go for long walks in -20 C weather quite often (this has been a long, cold winter), and I usually have to unzip my jacket. But, just sitting around, I'm freezing. My husband is fine, though.


Wow, 0 degrees C would be my breaking point during winter. (I get cold VERY easily)

Awww, I feel so sorry for those birds, curiosity killed them!


But glad you can adjust to that weather sometimes at least. I hope it does get better soon. :)


Aw that's tragic. Poor birds. I would feel so guilty if that were me...

Of course not that it was your fault, you can't do anything about birds flying in weird places.


And the cold weather...YUCK...that is why we live in places like Texas. End of February and we are already getting up into the 80's.

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