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I was talking to my sister and she said if you bless your pet, sometimes you get a stat increase. She said you get the same stat as from faerie quests.


Id never heard this and ive been playing a while so i was wondering..


A- is it true


B- how often do you get increases




I'm pretty sure they don't raise stats. Only faerie quests do that. Bottled faeries only give your pets abilities.


Bottled faeries will not raise your stats. If your level is not high enough, they will simply fly away, leaving your pet along.


They are battledome abilities. They come up in the drop down when you select what attack you want to do. I personally don't use the battledome a lot so correct me if i am wrong of course. I am pretty sure that is right though.


^^ Thats right, my uni (who was once a dragon) has nighvision for the avatar and it is in the drop down menu when fighting.

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