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Make Milli a avatar and siggy set?

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Okay hai! I am looking for someone to please make me a set.



Images, I don't mind witch used but please don't us say the FQD and the still of Fyora. You may use a different image of Fyor abut please ask me if it okay, these are the best ones I have found!





  • I want the words Milli on the avatar.
  • No other words
  • Um... I would like it before the 6th of March (my brothers birthday) Lets make it the 16th of March :D
  • No effects, but I wouldn't mind the Milli glittery (if possiable, it doesn't need to be)
  • The theme is Faerie Queen so the pasteley pinks and purples as the colors.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask, I hope to see some great sets :D (and I don't want to be copying Ashley, I actuly forgot she had Fyora :P Opps :*


I might work on it if I have time, but I'm already a tad behind on stuff, so no guarantees. :)


Of course, one of the graphics wizards here will probably drop in and work their magic, so I won't have to feel guilty about not making the deadline. :P


I desided to change the date as I just relised I will be to busy to come on, on the 6th. It is now a week away :D


Laura~ It is perfect :D *goes to change* There :D Now I am very happy!

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