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Few questions to ask...

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I suddenly thought of a few questions to ask:


1) Is there a limit to the number of neofriends you can have?


2) Is there a limit to the number of keys you can have on KQ?


dont know about neofriends but i think there is no limit on the number of keys you can get on KeyQuest.


but you can only redeem 10 keys per day, i think :P


I could almost swear it's you can have a max of 50 Neofriends, but don't quote me on that. I don't remember where I heard it or where I read it, or if I ever even really thought of it. It might have even be my mind making up a number. The number 50 just popped out at me though.


yes, that's correct: unlimited neofriends, but only up to 50 VIPs.


for keyquest, you can win as many as you want per day, but can only redeem 10 a day.


People who *cough* think they *cough* have 50 best friends. (Sorry; cynical moment.)


But it's unlimited neofriends in general? For some reason I thought there was a limit... but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, so listen to the other people about that.


Zomg I ttlyy have likez 50 best friendzzz!!!1


LOL Sorry, couldn't resist! Anyway, I use the VIP option for people that I know in real life usually. They aren't always on very much so I might forget who they are without notes and VIP tags. :D


also, VIPs are useful since, they are the only ones that show up in your friend list on key quest. even though, technically speaking, if you have no VIPs, the first 50 neofriends should automatically be considered to be VIPs (according to what it says on the neofriend page). in that case, the friend list on key quest is screwing up.


Hmm... after looking at the posts, so whats the difference between VIPs and neofriends? So that means that the maximum number of neofriends is 50? is it the same as VIP?


Anyway suddenly thought of another question what is the maximum number of neomail you can have? and can I change the opinions so that the neomails will not be deleted automatically after a certain period?


if you select any VIPs then only VIPs will appear in any dropdowns that list your neofriends. if you don't select any, the first 50 will be displayed in those dropdowns. such dropdowns are in places like "send to neofriend" in the item window.


i don't believe that neomails get auto-deleted, and no there is no setting for it if they do. there IS a limit though since having too many emails will prevent you from receiving new mail. my guess would be that the limit is at 100 (but could be much smaller than that).


Really? I didn't know that about VIPs.


Yea, there's a limit of 100 neomails and then you can't receive any new ones. I would know. I used to use neomail rather than email to contact my friend, and she was constantly running out of space. Ugh.


I'm not sure why but my previous mails from my friends were deleted when I open my neomail and so I thought that TNT will clear the neomail after a certain period...


Sorry I believe will be the last question, is there a maximum status a pet can have?


Mail is deleted after some time, but I can't remember what that is. Or the database had a glitch, but I doubt that.


No, there is no maximum stats a pet can have. You can keep training your pet at the Ninja Training School, but it'll eventually become really expensive. Or you can lab-zap for a long, long time.

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